Dear GIS Monitor readers, GIS Monitor's publisher, Reed Business Geo, Inc. has ceased publication of this weekly electronic newsletter effective December 31, 2007.� We will all miss the Monitor's timely news and insights, but you can continue to access past issues in the archives on this site.
— Reed Business Geo
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Casino Column
In this week's edition, we're diving into the convenience of modern gambling platforms. For those seeking a hassle-free gaming experience, there's exciting news: ãªã³ã©ã¤ã³ã«ã¸ã æ¬äººç¢ºèªä¸è¦ options are now available. These platforms offer the ultimate in accessibility, allowing players to indulge in their favorite games with complete privacy and ease.
Professional Surveyor Magazine — published, like GIS Monitor, by Reed Business Geo, Inc. — has launched a new monthly GIS column titled "Intersect" and subtitled "2 Professionals … 2 Opinions … 2 Points of View". You can access the columns from here:
- September 2008, "Do Hard Times Call for Hard Sell?"
- August 2008, "RESPECT: Two professions, two opinions, two points of view … does it equal six points of r-e-s-p-e-c-t?"
- July 2008, "Associations: Just Acronyms or Real Jems?"
- June 2008, "Progress or Regress: After two years of intersecting, which is it?"
- May 2008, "Differences: Is the gap between surveying and GIS getting smaller?"
- April 2008, "Attributes: How do you make a surveyor understand the importance of all the attributes, not just the X/Y/Z coordinates??"
- March 2008, "Collaboration: Are you cashing or clashing with your GIS and surveying team members?"
- February 2008, "Laser-scanning Projects: What Role Can GIS/Surveying Play?"
- January 2008, "How Do You Exceed Your Client's Expectations?"
- December 2007, "Terms of the Trade: Will learning the new "five-dollar" buzzwords return more than pocket change?"
- November 2007, "The Business Side of GIS and Surveying: Will it bring you dollars for your sense?"
- October 2007, "Morphing Your Clients: How do you turn a survey client into a GIS client, and vice versa?"
- September 2007, "Subsurface Utility Engineering: When can intersecting with SUE benefit both surveying and GIS?"
- August 2007, "GIS Fieldwork — What type of fieldwork will GIS professionals be doing in the next few years, and how can surveyors take a leadership role in the process?"
- July 2007, "What's the Smart Solution for Mapping Shifting Sands?"
- June 2007, "Does GIS Help Surveyors Get the Job Done Better and Faster?"
- May 2007, "How Can We Attract Young People to Our Professions?"
- April 2007, "Field Data Collections — Hands on or hands off?"
- March 2007, "If a professional is transitioning from one field to another, what does he or she need to know?"
- February 2007, "Upcoming ACSM and GITA Conferences: What's in Them for You?"
- January 2007, "What Are Your New Year's Resolutions?"
- December 2006, "As Ethical Professionals, What Can and Can't We Do?"
- November 2006, "GIS and Surveying Professionals: Too Young, Too Old, or Does it Matter?"
- October 2006, "What Three Things Can We Do to Make a Difference in the Other's Profession?"
- September 2006, "Handheld or handwritten: Should GIS databases replace survey field books?"
- August 2006, "GIS uses coordinates. Surveyors use measurements. Same thing or miles apart?"
- July 2006, "CAD: How do GIS and survey professionals use it to their benefit?"
- June 2006, "Is education the best way to "intersect" the surveying and GIS professions?"
- May 2006, "In this Fast-Paced World of Technology, How do We Keep up?"
- April 2006, "Together or Separate: What's the Best Plan for Managing the Businesses of GIS and Surveying?"
- March 2006, "Metadata: Powerful Documentation Tool or Gobbledygook Developed by the GIS World?"
- February 2006, "What Are the Optimal Personality Traits, Training, and Experience Needed to Build a Top-notch GIS/Survey Team?"
- January 2006, "Will GIS Software Become a Technology Surveyors Routinely Use?"
- December 2005, "We Speak the Same Language So Why Can't We Communicate?"
- November 2005, "Are Surveyors the Right People to Collect GIS Field Data?"