International, a nonprofit organization, has proposed .geo (pronounced
"dot-gee-oh") as a method for geospatial referencing on the
Internet to ICANN, the Internet naming body.
SRI was
instrumental in the early development of the Internet, early routing
protocols, and the implementation of the first wireless Internet
transmission in 1977. So, its not that odd that they would be the ones
suggesting a new, geographic top-level domain (TLD). A top-level domain is
what goes after the dot in an Internet address: com, org, mil, edu,
etc. There are many proposals to add new ones to help expand the choices
of universal reference locators (URLs). In the most recent period, 44
applications (each for one or more TLD, at a cost of $50,000 just for the
proposal) have been accepted by ICANN who will decide in mid-November
which ones will be added.
proposal is to add .geo. Its purpose, quoted from the proposal:
This new TLD will provide a complete, virtually free, and open
infrastructure for registering and discovering georeferenced information
on the Internet.
According to
an article in the San Jose Mercury News, the initiative grew out of two
geospatial research projects -- TerraVision and Digital Earth. Research
funds came from the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), the
same agency that backed the ArpaNet, precursor to the Internet.
.geo is
quite different from .org or .com. Domains like .com or .org) use HTML to
put up web pages. If you use the .geo domain, you instead put geospatial
metadata in a special cell server. Heres another difference:
end-users will not see the .geo address its simply used by software
when doing spatial searches.
Ill be
the first to admit when I read the press release, I did not understand
what the goal of the new domain was or how it would work. Dr. Yvan Leclerc,
Senior Computer Scientist and project director for the .geo initiative
provided some clarification.
The proposal
suggests carving the world, based on latitude and longitude, into cells.
The cells come in several sizes based on further dividing degrees,
minutes, and maybe someday seconds. The geospatial metadata for a 10x10
degree cell, whose southwest corner is located at 20 degrees east, 30
degrees north, looks like this: quantum.20e30n.geo. The quantum part
is called a brand. That is where competition will come in, since
several different brands might serve that cell.
Each cell
will be assigned to one or more GeoRegistry. GeoRegistries will
own geographic cell servers and will be contractually obligated to
provide services for the registration and discovery of geodata. The
GeoRegistrar will determine the cell corresponding to the geographic
location or area specified in the geodata according to the name schema,
choose a GeoRegistry, and transmit the geodata record to the corresponding
cell server(s) defined by the GeoRegistry name and geographic domain name.
And, the GeoRegistry will charge a fee for registration that will be
limited by the Sponsor (SRI).
Since more
than one GeoRegistry may have cell servers assigned to the same cell, the
Data Publisher (basically anyone who wants to register some data) might
choose from various brands such as quantum, flash and tortoise. The
metadata for the above cell would then be: quantum.20e30n.geo,
flash.20e30n.geo or tortoise.20e30n.geo.
SRI argues
that competition among GeoRegistries will be based on quality of service
and other terms. And, in case there are no cell servers for a particular
geography, there will be a default GeoRegistry, called earth which
will be maintaining by one or more organizations.
I asked Dr.
Leclerc to explain how my kite club, Kites Over New England (KONE), might
use a .geo domain. He explained:
You could
indeed register geodata for events, places, or the geographic locations of
your photos. For example, let's say you want to register the geographic
locations of KONE's favorite [kiteflying] places. You would go to a
specialized web site called a GeoRegistrar. There, for every one of your
favorite places, you would pay a small fee and fill in a form that
specifies the location, some keywords or phrases, such as "Kites Over
New England" and "favorite places", and perhaps a URL
pointing to a web page on your web site that describes what's great about
that particular place. The GeoRegistrar would probably offer a map
interface to make it easy for you to identify the precise location of your
favorite place, since it's not likely to have an exact street address,
like you might have for the headquarters of your club.
submitting the form, the geodata you've just creating would be transmitted
to the appropriate cell server, ready to be discovered by users. That is,
people could then search for your events/places/photos by using the phrase
"Kites Over New England" and the keywords "place" (or
"event" or "photo" for your other examples). And, I
presume, some geographic parameter as well.
Dr. Leclerc
also provided an example of how a seeker of spatial information would use
.geo, though theyd not really see it.
To find
the 5 closest pizza places to North Station in Boston, you would literally
specify a search for keywords pizza restaurant and location North
Station, Boston. The search engine would first translate North
Station, Boston to a geographic location, and the search engine or
plugin would then contact the appropriate cell servers and send the query
pizza restaurant, and list the results in order of distance from
North Station, Boston.
SRI posts
several letters in support of the proposal from organizations such as the
United Nations, the Association of European Travel Agents and NASAs
Digital Earth Office (although NASA Digital Earth requests that SRI not
administer the domain, but act as secretariat with some worldwide
commercial, government, not-for-profit groups as members).
I found
little active support in the SRI sponsored or ICANN sponsored areas for
Reactions to
Excerpts of the Proposal
reading the executive summary, I asked for some comments from the
community. This week my comments, (AS) are included with those of
Jim Meyer (JM), a PhD geographer, and Dmitri Rotow, (DR) product manager
at Next week, well cover the proposal from the
perspective of the OpenGIS Consortium.
Online maps are a form of georeferenced information. These maps are
inaccurate and often incomplete. They are also expensive to maintain,
proprietary, and difficult for the average Internet user to use.
Tellingly, more than 70 percent of adults cannot read maps. A new, more
ubiquitous way of accessing, displaying, and working with georeferenced
information is needed.
(JM) Indeed,
it is sad that 70% of adults can't read maps, but how will presenting this
info in 3D or with time series solve that problem? Access doesn't overcome
illiteracy. How does that make it easier to comprehend and use?
(DR) It (the
proposal) shows no technical comprehension of existing Internet naming
conventions, but rather proposes a logically sideways move that causes
more problems than it solves.
Proposal: It
will not be a mapping convention, although it will be used to generate
maps more complete than any on the Internet today. The .geo TLD, in
combination with the Internet, will organically generate a dynamic
universal atlas of natural and human phenomena - on land, beneath the
waves, and in the skies (even in outer space).
(AS) Simply
having a way of registering and searching for spatial information does not
an atlas make. Similar reasoning would suggest that Yahoo! makes the
Internet an encyclopedia. Encyclopedias and atlases compile, summarize and
give context to information.
Unlike proprietary mapping systems, the .geo schema will distribute the
responsibility for locating georeferenced information, putting its control
squarely in the hands of Data Providers rather than self-appointed second
and third party intermediaries.
(AS) That is
true, however, the key issue, at present still remains: interoperability.
Even if .geo does in fact help find a piece of data of interest, it may be
incompatible with your GIS.
With .geo, individuals and organizations that cannot now afford to have
their information made searchable by location (especially with search
engine providers now charging extravagantly for the privilege) will be
able to do so.
(AS) I think
we need to be realistic. Northern Light, among others, allows free
registration of your site with them. They have a GeoSearch (US/Canada)
that is applied, from what I understand, to all sites. Granted this is not
yet worldwide and is dependant on traditional geocoding, but it is a
Since end users' client software will be directed to the cells for given
geographic areas, single points of failure or congestion will be
(JM) What
about when the "whole world" wants "be at" one cell at
once, like the Olympics cell or the Academy Awards cell?
about the organization required to run .geo:
(DR) It is a
formula for bureaucratization of geospatial data and restricting access
Comments on
the technology:
(DR) It
fails to take advantage of technical advances in networking, such as
peer-to-peer organization of communications.
(AS) I
suppose that is true that GeoRegistries will compete, but they are all
limited as to how high a price they can charge. My sense is, like current
web hosting companies, the registration may become one of many services
provided by the GeoRegistries, so they can make money. And, since they
must do some geocoding to assign cells, I would imagine some of the
leaders in that industry (ETAK, GDT, etc.) might step forward or
license their tools to aspiring GeoRegistries.
I think most
of what SRI wants to do can be done without a new domain (and the money
required to support it). Why not just put the metadata in existing .com,
.org etc. pages? If you want to, you do, if you dont want to, you do
not. Im sure some clever company or individual will provide an ASP to
geocode your pages for a small fee. Then, search engines can, if
they like, implement tools to take advantage of this information for
spatial queries. That will require some standards certainly, but it
certainly sounds simpler.
Ill take
a step further I dont think this proposal is really correctly aimed
at ICANN, but rather at the geospatial community, people who seem
conspicuously absent in these discussions.
Dmitri Rotow asks some questions to put geospatial information in context
with other non-traditional data types:
One way
of seeing the
proposal is to ask how it would work for analogous data
types that are far more popular than geospatial information....
Would we
have a top level domain called .pic for images in this scheme? No! Would
we have a top level domain called .mp3 for tunes in this scheme? No way!
Would we have a top level domain called .video for moving pictures without
sound? Nope!