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  1. Vector-based Web Cartography: Enabler SVG - Neumann Andreas and Winter Andréas
  2. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for Web Mapping - a review and comparison with other technologies, Robert Siirilä
  3. 11.951's into to SVG - a brief comparison of SVG and Flash for mapping from MIT
  4. SVG-spot - Tutorials, tips, tools to view or create SVG files
  5. Internet Mapping with XML - detailed discussion from MicroMap and CAD
  6. XML, GIS and You - Adena Schutzberg, see also Letter to the Editor by Ron Lake
  7. SVG Reference at Zvon - a complete reference with many examples which can be downloaded for off-line use
  8. The SVG Method - a Q&A about SVG, XML and HTML, from IMS Web tips
  9. Explore SVG - links to SVG examples and resources
  10. Maximize Online Mapping with SVG/XML - the role of SVG in Internet mapping, Randy George GEOWorld, Dec 2002
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