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These are your editor's favorite and most significant stories that have appeared in GIS Monitor.

  1. GIS in the Trenches - an interview with GISers onsite in NYC during the early days of the 9/11 attack

  2. Making Sense of Location-based Services   - Don't understand what all the players are doing in LBS?  This may help make sense of the mess, Adena Schutzberg, GIS Monitor

  3. Scott Elliot - obituary for one of GISs biggest proponents

  4. GE Buys Smallworld - my first commentary for GIS Monitor, from our very first issue

  5. 2000 TopTen - my pick of the top people, events, publications and more from 2000

  6. World in a Box Reviewed - big money does not mean a great video

  7. Taking On Atlas GIS- An Interview with RPM - why a small company is taking on a retired product

  8. Fired for Publishing a Map? - why did Ian Thomas get fired?

  9. .geo Comment - a top-level domain proposal that I found unconvincing

  10. GeoSpatial World Review (2001) - Intergraph's first GIS only conference


  • Microsoft Launches MSN MapPoint - Microsoft is taking on MapQuest, this comparison suggests Microsoft still has a ways to go, Adena Schutzberg, GIS Monitor


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