
- Conflation
Background Information - from GIS/Trans, about
their software, but a fine introduction
- Conflation
and Rubber Sheeting - from GIS @ Purdue
- Uncertainty
Isues of Conflation in a Distributed Environment
- abstract by M. Cobb, F. Petry, K. Shaw
- Conflation
of TIGER with DLG - Stanley L. Dallal, published
at GIS Cafe
- Uncertainty:
The Achilles Heel of GIS? - Michael F. Goodchild,
Geo Info Systems, Nov, 1998, discusses uncertainly
and a bit about conflation
Conflation Technology - from GDT's newsletter,
explains the benefits and some measure's of their
- Spatial Data Integration: A Case Study of Map Conflation
with Census Bureau and Local Government Data
- Hoseok Kang
