GIS Reviewed - Fred Limp, GeoWorld Dec 2000, covers AutoCAD Map, Land Development
Desktop and MapGuide
ArcGIS Extensions - Quick-Take
Reviews: PliableGIS for ArcView 8.1, PMCgis 8.1 COGO Tools for
ArcGIS 8.1, TOPO! for ArcGIS 8.1 - various authors, GeoWorld, Nov 2001
Best of the Best: Applications Contest 2000
- GeoSpatial Solutions, Aug 2000, winners here
Demographic Products and Services - Jason Compton, Smart Business, March 31, 2000 covers Tetrad PCCensus,
Anysite.com, iAtlasInfolens, TTG Territory Mapper
Mapping for Distance Hikers
- Dave Porter, The Distance Hikers Gazette, Spring 2000 covers
products by Maptech, Wildflower and DeLorme
Information System Software - reviews of ArcInfo
Cartographic Data Visualiser CDV, ER Mapper, ERDAS Imagine, GIMMS,
IDRISI, MapInfo, MapMaker
LSPs (lifestyle segmentation profilers)- Grant
Ian Thrall, John Casey, and Aracibo Quintana, Review
of Mosaic, Profiler 2.5, Global Mosaic, and iSITE
4.7, GeoSpatial Solutions, Apr 2001
Systems Go Mobile - Fred Limp, GeoWorld, Mar 2000 includes
Fieldworker, ArcPad, NTT Mobile Communications Network, SnapTrack,
MapFrame, Tripod Data Systems, Autodesk, Oracle, Datria
GIS and
CAD Software Find Common Ground: A Comparative Review - Bob
Henry and Jim Pugh, GeoWorld, May 1997 includes AutoCAD Map, ArcCAD
and MicroStation GeoGraphics
Compression and Viewing Software - David B. Davis,
GISVision, Dec 2000
GPS Hardware/Software Reviews - Joe Mehaffey and Jack
modules for Handspring's Visor get lost in the woods - David
Plotnikoff, SiliconValley.com, May 2, 2001, why you should stay
away from add-on Palm GPS modules
Compression Software - Steve Wallace, Directions Magazine, 1999,
includes LizardTech's MrSIDTM Workstation Geospatial
Encoder v1.3.1 (MrSID) and Earth Resource Mapping's Enhanced
Compressed Wavelet Compressor v2.0 (ECW)
Processing Software: System Selection Depends on User Needs
- Fred Limp, GeoWorld, May 1999, includes ENVI 3.1, ERDAS IMAGINE
8.3.1, ER Mapper 6.0, Image Analyst 7.0, PCI 6.3, TNTmips 6.0
in the Fast Lane - field data collection, Lee A.
Graham, GeoEurope, Aug 2000 covers PocketGIS, ArcPAD,
Onsite, Tadpole, iMap, PenMap, PenmapCE, ArcView Survey
Extension and Penmap SunscreenPC, Pocket FastMAP
Life in
the Fast Lane - field data collection, Lee A.
Graham, GeoWorld, July 2000 covers Tadpole, OnSite,
ArcPAD, FieldSmart, iMap, SoloCE and Ranger
Cost GIS Shows Us the Future - Grant Ian Thrall, Apr 1999, GeoInfo
Systems cover MapPoint 2000 and CensusCD Blocks
Cost and No Cost GIS Software - David B Davis,
GISVision, Feb 2001, reasonable
summary, but does forget some key players
Tools Translate In-house Data into Sales Revenue - Geoffrey Hollander, InfoWorld, April 13, 1998 includes MapMarker
3.4, MapInfo Professional 4.5; MapInfo Data Sets
Mapmaker, Make Me a Map - Roseann Hanson, Outside Magazine, Aug 2000 includes DeLorme 3D
TopoQuads, MapTech Terrain Navigator, National Geographic Trailsmart,
¡Gage All Topo USGS Set
Software review (outdoor enthusiast) - Jeff Porcaro,
Gear.com, includes Wildflower Productions
Maptech Terrain Navigator, DeLorme's Topo USA, iGage All Topo Maps,
King's Outdoor World Map Academy Platinum,
Hanta Yo Topoguide GPS
Reflections - Matthew Dickerson, May 1999 looks at 3D Topo Quads
and Terrain Navigator
and Business Mapping (buyer's guide for GIS software and GPS receivers) - Dave
Johnson, Home Office Computing, August, 2000 includes DeLorme Xmap
Business, ESRI BusinessMap Pro 2.0, Microsoft MapPoint 2001, DeLorme
Earthmate with Street Atlas, Rand McNally StreetFinder and GPS,
TravRoute CoPilot 2000
Road Map Software - Scott Higgs, Computing Canada, Jan 1998 includes Street Atlas USA
5.0, DeLorme Mapping, Street Finder 98, Rand McNally & Co.,
Expedia Streets 98, Microsoft Corp., Precision Mapping Streets 98,
Chicago Map Corp., Select Street Atlas USA
Road-Trip Reconaissance Software- Microsoft Streets & Trips 2002 vs DeLorme's Street Atlas USA 9, Dennis
O'Reilly, Business Week Online, Nov 26, 2001
Not Enough? Draw a Map - James
Martin, PC World, Feb 1999 covers MapPoint 2000 and ESRI's BusinessMap
Pro 2.0
GIS and Image Processing Products Expand
Functionality in 2001, Fred Limp,
GeoWorld, Apr
Raster GIS
Packages Finally Receive Well-Deserved Recognition (R-E-S-P-E-C-T)
- Fred Limp, GeoWorld, May 2000, includes ArcView Spatial Analyst 2 ,
GRASS 5.0, IDRISI 32, ILWIS 2.2, MFWorks 2.6, PAMAP 5.2, SPANS 7.1,
Vertical Mapper
Review of
Windows GPS Software for In-Car Navigation - David Beckmeyer, July
Right Direction new
- evaluation of PDA, in car and laptop navigation systems, Bill Howard, PC
Magazine, Feb 2002
of Terrain Visualization Software - U.S. Army Topographic
Engineering Center Topographic Applications Laboratory Terrain
Visualization Division, Nov 1997
Ways to Map Your Business- Gordon Meyer, PC World, June
2000 includes MapPoint 2001 and DeLorme XMap Business
Compression Beyond Limits? - Joc Triglav, GeoInformatics Jan/Feb
Mapping (Mapping Hits Warp Speed on the World Wide Web!) - Fred
Limp, GeoWorld, Sept 1999
