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Emergency Services and GIS

  1. ESRI Public Safety  � overview

  2. GIS Fire Data -- Sequoia and King Canyon National Parks

  3. Spain Sets the Pace for Europe - Mary Jo Wagner, GeoEurope, July 2000

  4. Tunnel Vision - Mary Jo Wagner, GeoEurope, June 1999

  5. In the Wake of a Disaster - Timothy Pratt, GeoWorld, Feb 1999

     - Jim Ross, GeoWorld, Apr 1999

  6. GIS Can Help Save Lives - Robert H. Scott, III, GeoWorld, Oct 1998

  7. GIS Program Benefits From Rubber Sheet Rectification Tool - Doug Lierle

  8. Development of a GIS-Based Emergency Planning System - James A. Kuiper et. al., ESRI User Conference 2000

  9. Effectiveness of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Applications in Flood Management During and After Hurricane Fran - Ute J. Dymon

  10. Project Impact: ESRI Helps Map Out Disaster Preparedness - Arc News, June 2000


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