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  1. Redistricting Introduction & Index - from the Center for Voting and Democracy, includes a state by state guide

  2. Elections and Redistricting - powerpoints and more about the process and lessons learned

  3. Iowa's Role for ArcView GIS in Redistricting - ArcNews, Spring 1999

  4. North Carolina General Assembly Redistricting User Interface - discussion of issues involved in building a PC interface
  5. Hints and Tips - Redistricting - Assigning Map Objects to groups - step by step with MapInfo, from the Australian Bureau of Statistics

  6. Election Data Services - company specializing in redistricting speaks to many of the issues

  7. Maptitude for Redistricting - lots of information pertaining to their software, but useful for those exploring redistricting as well

  8. Gerrymandering - from 
  9. Redistricting Software Vendors - who demonstrated software and/or services for drawing redistricting plans at the NCSL Redistricting Conference in Denver March 6, 1999
  10. Legislative Redistricting - Computer Software - Prepared by the North Dakota Legislative Council staff for the Legislative Management Committee, November 1999
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