I will be at the American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ASPRS) annual conference in Baltimore, March 7 to 11, and hope to meet many of you there. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) annual conference in Denver, March 6 to 9. I am counting on many of you to be there and to tell me all about it later. (Meanwhile, would someone please explain to me why these two key geospatial events overlap?)

News Briefs
Please note: I have culled the following news items from press releases and have not independently verified them.
WeatherBug to Provide Live Weather Data to the Maryland Emergency Management Agency
WeatherBug, of Gaithersburg, MD, the leading provider of live local weather information services, announced an extended partnership with the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA). Maryland is the first state in the country to provide a common weather intelligence platform for all emergency management officials. MEMA will use live local weather data from WeatherBug's tracking stations to improve its analysis and responsiveness in day-to-day operations and emergencies.
�����MEMA, Maryland's Emergency Operation Center (EOC), all county emergency management coordinators and the emergency managers for Baltimore City and Ocean City will now all use WeatherBug Streamer, an online application providing real-time weather information and analysis. This will give them access to advanced warning and detailed intelligence for severe weather incidents, such as hurricanes, flooding, winter storms, and wind gusts. It will also provide them with more accurate and up-to-date data for plume modeling, enhanced interoperability, and more accurate and timely weather data.
�����In addition to WeatherBug Streamer, MEMA also integrates WeatherBug Network data into its Emergency Management Mapping Application, EMMA, for plume models. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security also has access to the same WeatherBug Network data via NOAA's National Weather Service, for use in case of a terrorist attack or a major disaster.
�����WeatherBug operates a proprietary network of 8,000 tracking stations and more than 1,000 cameras that are placed at schools and public safety facilities throughout the nation.
Pictometry's CEO To Advise Center for Imaging Science
Pictometry International Corp., of Rochester, NY, announced that its CEO, Richard A. Kaplan, has joined the Board of Advisors for the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science (CIS) at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). CIS provides training and education on digital imaging technologies. The Board of Advisors, which consists of scientists, educators, and business executives, reviews the Center's activities and advises its director. Executives from BAE Systems, Eastman Kodak, Edmund Optics, Hewlett-Packard Labs, ITT Aerospace, and Xerox also sit on the board.
�����Pictometry's software enables users to access up to 12 different views of any property, building, highway, or other feature in a county, to create measurements such as distance, height, elevation, and area, directly from the oblique imagery, and to insert GIS content and other data. The company's customers include close to 100 counties, the State of Massachusetts, federal government organizations, and private business users. Applications include 9-1-1, appraisers, assessors, emergency management agencies, engineering, financial institutions, fire departments, GIS, homeland security, insurance, law enforcement, planning officials, real estate, transportation, and utilities.
Eastcan Geomatics Hires Hawkes
Eastcan Geomatics Consultants Limited, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, has appointed Andy Hawkes to the position of Senior Project Manager - Utilities, with responsibility for project management and business development for the company's utility and telecommunications GIS data services line of business. Hawkes has more than 20 years of experience in GIS data conversion and related services for utility companies, telecommunications companies, municipalities, and government agencies. He has managed two large offshore GIS production facilities.
�����Eastcan Geomatics provides photogrammetry, digital mapping, and GIS services to utility and telecom companies, municipalities, and government agencies. Eastcan has performed photogrammetry and mapping since1959 and completed more than 3,500 projects.
Federal Government Used Intergraph Tracking Software for Security
Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions, of Madison, AL, announced that U.S. federal government security teams used the company's mobile solutions in security operations at the 2005 Presidential Inauguration in Washington, D.C., and at the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City. Intergraph provided the government with an IntelliWhere-based system for real-time tracking of resources. Security officials used IntelliWhere TrackForce as a map-based command and control interface, while selected field personnel used the PDA-based IntelliWhere OnDemand application with a portable tracking capability.
�����During these operations, Intergraph provided support to operations command elements and technical support from Huntsville, AL, while Intergraph's business partners, Airo Wireless (www.airowireless.com) and T-Mobile (www.t-mobile.com), provided hardware and network support to the project. Intergraph's custom security solution included GPS tracking and wireless communications via standard technologies, such as PDAs and smartphones.
Ordnance Survey to Enhance British Height Data
Ordnance Survey, a UK government agency, this spring will begin rolling out a major enhancement to its detailed digital height data defining the physical landscape of Great Britain. Insurers, utilities, and civil engineers will be among the first to view enriched digital terrain models (DTMs) for a series of areas at a pre-launch event in London on March 15.
�����The enhanced data, Land-Form PROFILE Plus, is both high resolution and high accuracy, enabling nationally consistent 3-D modeling for activities such as flood risk assessment, pipeline maintenance, and route planning for road and rail. The data offers an overall 2 meter post space DTM, with height accuracy within 15 to 25 centimeters for selected high-risk areas such as floodplains and urban areas.
DMTI Spatial Releases New Version of CanMap
DMTI Spatial, of Markham, Ontario, Canada, a provider of geospatial products and services, has released its latest edition of CanMap, which reflects a change in the company's version standards. The new version standard will convert the existing numerical format to a yearly format indicating the year and quarter of the release; for example, the latest release of CanMap will be referred to as v2005.1 instead of the traditional version format v9.0. This change is intended to make it easier for customers to keep track of the age of their data.
�����CanMap v2005.1 includes more than 23,000 new road segments, more than 30,000 new addressed road kilometers, and improvements in rural coverage. Rural analysis is now based on geocoding postal codes to the road segment level instead of to the centroid of a Dissemination Area.
�����CanMap RouteLogisitcs now includes legally posted speed limits for major highways nationwide; the company plans to add speed limits for secondary highways and major roads in future releases.
TruePosition Appoints Anderson as CTO
TruePosition, of Berwyn, PA, a provider of wireless location technologies and solutions, has appointed Rob Anderson to the position of Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Anderson will be responsible for overseeing the development of TruePosition's location technology portfolio and for supporting the recently announced TrueNorth MLS (Managed Location Service) offering.
�����Mr. Anderson, who has more than 20 years of experience in telecommunications, will lead the technological development of advanced location hardware, software, and devices, and work with the company's partners and customers to develop new location solutions. He replaces Joe Sheehan, who was recently appointed President of the company.
Open Geospatial Consortium to Develop Web Services
The Open Geospatial Consortium Inc. (OGC), headquartered in Wayland, MA, has announced a Request For Quotations (RFQ) from technology developers to develop and enhance OGC Web Services (OWS) standards that facilitate discovery of, access to, and use of geographic data and geoprocessing services. The OGC is an international industry consortium of more than 270 companies, government agencies, and universities. The OGC Web Services Phase 3 (OWS-3) testbed advances OGC Web Services, the set of OpenGIS specifications for interfaces, schemas, and encodings that comprise the interoperability framework for the emerging "Spatial Web."
�����Selected OWS-3 participants will work collaboratively to extend existing and draft OpenGIS standards into an interoperability framework for implementing multi-vendor enterprise and enterprise-to-enterprise solutions. Sponsors include BAE Systems, IONIC Software, GeoConnections (Canada), Lockheed Martin, MAGIC Services Initiative, the U.S. National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), the National Technology Alliance (NTA), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, NAVTEQ, Questerra, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
�����The work will focus on common architecture, Sensor Web Enablement (SWE), Geo-Decision Support Services (GeoDSS), Geo-Digital Rights Management (GeoDRM), and Open Location Services (OpenLS). The complete Request for Quotations can be downloaded from

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