Please note: I have culled the following news items from press releases and have not independently verified them.
Topcon now offers a GIS module for the latest version of TopSURV, its software for land surveying tasks. Operators using Topcon's survey-grade RTK GPS systems for conventional land survey tasks can now use the same equipment for GIS data collection. The interface and common database facilitate the transition between the two functions and eliminate the extra costs of maintaining a separate sub-meter antenna, rover, and field computer for GIS data collection tasks. The system is targeted at surveyors and utility system engineers involved in building GIS systems who collect location data on existing features and installations.
TopSURV + GIS, which can also be used with mapping-grade systems, is the first software for field computers to combine total station, RTK GPS, and GIS mapping capabilities.
Leica Geosystems has started ahead of schedule customer shipments of its Leica SmartStation, a high performance total station with integrated GPS, which it launched in February.
DM Solutions Group Inc., an Open Source and open standards Web mapping solutions company, and Orkney Inc., a Japanese business solutions provider, announced the ability to output SVG file formats through MapServer. This new functionality will allow cell phone users in Japan to access location-based services (LBS), such as maps and point of interest sites, through goSVG, a standard interface developed based on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) that incorporate positional information to form interactive maps.
�����Japan has one of the most advanced mobile phone LBS markets in the world. Over 11 million GPS-equipped mobile phones are currently in use and several service providers offer location-based services. The recent additions to MapServer will allow service providers to provide LBS that support the goSVG standard without having to pay extra licensing fees or development costs.
Orkney and DM Solutions Group collaborated to create the new functionality for MapServer 4.6, which will be available in May 2005, with significant contributions from Japan-based Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd and KDDI R&D; Laboratories Inc.
ESRI has released MapObjects-Java Edition Version 2.1, a collection of pure Java client and server-side components used to build custom, cross platform mapping, and GIS applications. Software developers can use the high-level components for rapid development or take advantage of the programming interface for fine-grained control. Resulting applications will perform a variety of spatial-based query and
display functions at the presentation, Web, and server tiers, depending on user requirements. This version includes support for Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) raster image data; improved layout and printing capabilities; major performance improvements when browsing image directories or loading images; support for nautical miles as a unit for map scale bar and measurement tools; and numerous bug fixes.
Layton Graphics, Inc. which specializes in publishing mapping and engineering data from CAD, GIS databases, manual drawings and other engineering applications to intelligent PDF files has released MAP2PDF for Acrobat, version 2.1. It includes added support for military coordinates, dual coordinate displays, linear and polygonal feature display, and shape file import and allows users to geo-register multiple map frames in different datums and projections within the same PDF file. The user selects at least two points with known coordinates, indicates the datum and projection used to produce the map, and enters the coordinates in either latitude/longitude or northing/easting.
�����In addition to reporting geodetic positions, MAP2PDF allows for displaying coordinates in various projections or datums. Although the map graphics are not distorted by a datum or projection change, the coordinate display is changed, enabling users to display the coordinate of a single point in three different datum/projection combinations simultaneously.
GeoPDF maps allow end-users with Adobe Reader to turn layers on or off, view and query attributes embedded as standard PDF comments, view coordinates, re-project to other projection coordinates, measure distance, view azimuth and bearing, and interact with GPS devices. These PDF maps can also be enhanced with Adobe Acrobat 7.0 to allow end-users to redline them and mark them up using only Adobe Reader. All MAP2PDF for Adobe Reader functionalities are free to end-users.
Mapping and Geospatial Solutions a geospatial solutions provider for government, transportation, utilities, communications, location-based services, and military and intelligence announced GeoMedia Fusion. The product, available in April, automates and standardizes geospatial data collection, integration, and maintenance and improves the accuracy and currency of enterprise databases.
GeoMedia Fusion is optimized to assist countries produce data for
exchange with allies in national defense scenarios; fuse data holdings from national, state, county, and local agencies in homeland security situations; and create large volumes of data from multiple, disparate sources, avoiding the need for data recollection within commercial or governmental data production agencies.
�����The product allows users to interactively and/or automatically resolve data inconsistencies and expedite the integration of information into the enterprise database. It enables users to transform geospatial data from disparate sources to match an enterprise data model and addresses the data integration process from data ingestion to selection, filtering and restructuring content through validation and quality assurance. Delivered with pre-defined rules that allow users to
automatically begin the data ingestion workflow, GeoMedia Fusion also provides capabilities for customizing mapping rules in a database. The initial product release includes functionality for schema remodeling, conflation, advanced geometric validation, and queued editing. The product requires GeoMedia Professional to run.
Franson Technology, which develops and markets applications for GPS users and components for software developers, has released Franson GpsGate. It is a Windows and PocketPC utility that allows user to run many GPS applications using a single GPS receiver, create multiple virtual serial ports, simulate a GPS receiver, and log and replay GPS data.
This product enables users to share the input from one GPS receiver among several applications by creating additional virtual serial ports to which most NMEA-enabled GPS applications can connect. It allows recreational boaters to access their navigation systems and use other GPS software at the same time; car drivers to switch between their route-planning software and driver's journal; and amateur pilots to simultaneously access their flight plans and weather data.
�����The software includes a GPS simulator and a data logger and allows users to log and play back real-time GPS data for analysis, demonstration, or software development. It can also be used to perform other GPS-related functions, such as connecting USB hardware and GPS software, and can be used on a LAN, with several mobile Windows computers and a single GPS device.
An OEM version of Franson GpsGate Express is available. The OEM kit allows software and hardware developers to allow other GPS applications to coexist with mapping software.
The company also offers two other GPS programs: Franson Tracker, a PocketPC program that lets users save and share waypoints, and Franson CoordTrans, a Windows and PocketPC program that translates geographic positions between different coordinate systems.
DM Solutions Group Inc., an Open Source and open standards Web mapping solutions company, and Orkney Inc., a Japanese business solutions provider, announced the ability to output SVG file formats through MapServer. This new functionality will allow cell phone users in Japan to access location-based services (LBS), such as maps and point of interest sites, through goSVG, a standard interface developed based on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) that incorporate positional information to form interactive maps.
Japan has one of the most advanced mobile phone LBS markets in the world. Over 11 million GPS-equipped mobile phones are currently in use and several service providers offer location-based services. The recent additions to MapServer will allow service providers to provide LBS that support the goSVG standard without having to pay extra licensing fees or development costs.
Orkney and DM Solutions Group collaborated to create the new functionality for MapServer 4.6, which will be available in May 2005, with significant contributions from Japan-based Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd and KDDI R&D; Laboratories Inc. has introduced Earthmate Image Tagger, a free module that relates photographs to the location at which they were acquired by merging the image files with GPS log files. The module's applications beyond leisure travel include property hunting, detective work, and scientific research. Designed for use with DeLorme mapping software, Earthmate Image Tagger reads a GPS log generated by an Earthmate GPS or Blue Logger GPS, matches it with time stamped digital photo collections, and creates a map overlay that lists the photo name or a thumbnail and a hyperlink to the full size image on a computer desktop.
RBF Consulting (RBF), an engineering, consulting, and professional services firm focused on local government and transportation industry, has selected VARGIS, a global geospatial consulting and professional services firm based in Sterling, Virginia, to provide geospatial services for various local government projects. VARGIS entered into a master services agreement with RBF to provide professional services for GIS implementation, application development, and data management services. For the past year, VARGIS has been providing rights-of-way mapping services to RBF utilizing scanned images of original platted parcels and rights-of-way.
�����VARGIS' services include COGO data entry, georeferencing source documents, resolving conflicts in source documents, feature attribution, and feature quality control. VARGIS used Autodesk Land Desktop for data automation of vector data and AutoCAD Raster Design for georeferencing imagery to the surveyed coordinates. The project was delivered per township with the intent of developing a seamless GIS database in ArcGIS. VARGIS has also provided professional services to map complex water distribution systems for RBF in support of water master plan projects using ESRI ArcGIS and AutoDesk platforms.
The Department of Geography at Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada has chosen MAPublisher software, by Avenza Systems Inc., for use in their cartography lab. MAPublisher will be primarily used in the Geographic Information and Digital Analysis Laboratory (GEOIDAL) by staff and students studying towards a diploma in geographic information sciences. Students will be able to take advantage of the graphics capabilities of MAPublisher to produce high-quality maps. MAPublisher is a map production software for creating cartographic-quality maps from GIS data. It was developed as a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand.
Aerophotogrammetry and Remote Sensing Bureau of China Coal (ARSC) has purchased Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solution's Z/I Imaging DMC (Digital Mapping Camera). Using the DMC, ARSC a government-owned photogrammetric firm, which supplies imagery to the China National Administration of Coal Geology as well as other government agencies will transform its photogrammetry production to a fully digital workflow.
�����The DMC captures imagery with ground resolutions as small as 1 � inches per pixel. Imagery acquired with the device maintains its initial geometric and radiometric quality throughout each stage of the project lifecycle mission planning, sensor management, photogrammetric production and client/server image management, storage and distribution. Another design feature of the DMC is its ability to collect aerial frame photography in panchromatic, color, and color infrared bands simultaneously. This allows three separate, high-resolution end products - black and white, pan-sharpened color, and false-color infrared to be generated from a single airborne data set.
GDC has become the first Laser-Scan partner to sign an OEM licence agreement for Radius Topology. Under this arrangement, GDC has integrated Radius Topology into GeoStore, its Spatial Data Warehouse solution for local government and utilities, creating two new modules, called GeoStore Topology and GeoStore Topology Query Plus. The GeoStore Topology module will assure users that spatial information submitted to the warehouse is centralized with their business data, kept error-free and accessible from multiple GIS applications; automate data cleaning and simplify data editing; and sustain data integrity through dynamic server-side data maintenance. Users who then choose to upgrade to GeoStore Topology Query Plus will also benefit from rapid data searching and automatic spatial relationship management.
�����Radius Topology is a dynamic topology management layer that was initially delivered on the Oracle9i platform. It acts as a 'gatekeeper', allowing only clean, accurate data into the database. Inconsistent data is automatically corrected, within the bounds of user-defined rules. Radius Topology is now also available on Oracle Database 10g. It can also be utilized as an application to maintain topology in conjunction with the topology storage mechanism offered through Oracle 10g Spatial. GDC specializes in the key markets of local government, focusing on the provision of geographic infrastructure for e-government and insurance, centered on location-based risk evaluation. GeoStore is a Spatial Data Warehouse built on Oracle capable of storing, managing and publishing common GI data formats and providing live interoperability with Autodesk Map, MapInfo and ESRI. GeoStore also communicates using GML, the open standard for geographic data enabling Joint Working between partner organisations.
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has accepted final Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data production delivery from Intermap Technologies. This acceptance concludes Intermap's effort on the production task order, which it supported as a subcontractor to The Boeing Company, in processing the elevation data from the NGA-NASA SRTM project. The team has received an additional task order for value-added processing to fill voids in the SRTM data with alternate sources of elevation information.
�����In February 2000, NASA's Space Shuttle Endeavour flew the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, collecting digital elevation data for approximately 80 percent of Earth's land surface. It is the first, close to worldwide, radar coverage that is used for the creation of three-dimensional digital elevation model (DEM) maps ranging from 60 degrees north latitude to 56 degrees south latitude.
�����Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, the company is digitally remapping countries and building national databases, called NEXTMap, of digital topographic maps (including elevation). NEXTMap data is used for GIS, engineering planning, transportation, automotive, navigation, flood, irrigation, environmental management and planning, telecommunications network planning, aviation, simulation, and 3D visualization. Internet applications include virtual tours, topographic maps and computer games. The products are also used to add interactive intelligence to airborne and satellite images.
The San Ramon Valley, California, Fire Protection District (SRVFPD), has installed an enterprise Web mapping system based on geospatial data management solutions from Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions. The system augments the district's emergency response process. SRVFPD provides fire and ambulance service to a very diverse 155-square-mile territory of Southern Contra Costa County with a population of 140,000 people that is rapidly expanding. It worked closely with San Francisco-based Farallon Geographics, an Intergraph Registered Solutions Center, to build the new system, which links the department's computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system, records management system (RMS), and geospatial databases. Geospatial data from the new system will be fed to emergency response units via onboard mobile data computers.
Geospatial data is managed using Intergraph's GeoMedia desktop and Web technology. The RMS system runs on a SunPro SQL Server.
VARGIS, LLC, a geospatial consulting and professional services firm, has hired Alan Sneyd as its Chief Operating Officer. Sneyd, with more than 25 years of domestic and international mapping experience, holds BS and MS degrees in geography and an MBA from Johns Hopkins. He is experienced in managing large geospatial service programs for domestic and overseas clients. His most recent achievement was overseeing the development of the most comprehensive digital map database of North America, intended for use in GIS and in-vehicle navigation applications. At VARGIS, he will be responsible for day-to-day operations for all projects, day-to-day production operations, resource allocation, and technology innovations and implementation. He will also lead all customer service.
On April 28, at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 3:00 p.m. PDT, the ESRI Virtual Campus will present "Introduction to ArcGIS Network Analyst", a free, live training seminar designed for those who use GIS technology to solve routing problems. The seminar will cover the new features available in the ArcGIS 9.1 extension. ArcGIS Network Analyst, an extension for routing, provides a framework for network-based spatial analysis, such as location analysis, drive-time analysis, and spatial interaction modeling. The extension allows ArcGIS Desktop users to model realistic network conditions and scenarios that help generate routing solutions.
�����This seminar introduces the new ArcGIS 9.1 Network Analyst extension and its corresponding network dataset. The presenter will demonstrate how the extension solves various problems such as finding the best route or closest facility with travel directions, determining service areas, and generating origin-destination cost matrices. In addition, the presenter will discuss creating simple and multimodal network datasets to support various types of network analyses.
�����A broadband Internet connection and a free ESRI global account are required to view the seminar. Following the live presentation, the seminar will be archived and available for viewing on the Virtual Campus Web site.
Leica Geosystems has confirmed its sales and earnings guidance for the year, stating that order momentum in all of its businesses was solid, supporting its full year sales growth estimate of between 11 and 12 percent. According to the company, where it will fall within this range is largely dependent upon the conversion to sales of several large orders in its GIS & Mapping division, which might slip into the first quarter of the next fiscal year. At the same time, the company reiterated its expectation that sales growth in Surveying & Engineering would exceed 15 percent for the full year. In terms of profitability, Leica Geosystems continues to expect the full year EBITDA margin to be at or slightly above 16 percent, with net income to approach CHF 50 million.
NAVTEQ Corporation a provider of comprehensive digital map information for automotive navigation systems, mobile navigation devices, and Internet-based mapping applications has filed a registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission relating to a proposed $1.3 billion secondary offering of shares of its common stock. The shares are being offered by Philips Consumer Electronics B.V., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Philips Electronics B.V.

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