Please note: I have culled the following news items from press releases and have not independently verified them.
GeoAnalytics, Inc., a provider of geographic and land information systems (GIS/LIS) technology and management consulting, and business partner C&C; Solutions have completed a five-year strategic plan for the implementation of an Enterprise GIS (EGIS) for the Florida Department of Health - Division of Environmental Health (DEH).
The plan's goal is to implement an enterprise class GIS/GPS system and program that is coordinated and collaborative within the Division and across the Department. The future EGIS will make available geographic data and application services that support the vision, business, and decision-making needs of all agency business units and external constituents.
�����GeoAnalytics and C&C; Solutions provided an upfront assessment of current agency conditions to clarify business needs, new objectives, and expectations for GIS/GPS implementation, integrated systems, and end-user applications. Based on those findings, the GeoAnalytics team facilitated a workshop of key stakeholders to build consensus around a conceptual design for a future Division EGIS. The final project phase involved developing a roadmap for implementing the conceptual design by outlining a set of tactical initiatives including associated costs and timeframes for completion.
Tele Atlas/GDT Canada, a provider of digital map data and other geographic content, has acquired a large amount of digital geographic data for the province of Quebec, Canada. The company will use this digital geographic content in its data build and maintenances processes for its Dynamap / Canada and other products.
IDELIX Software Inc. which specializes in the design and integration of 2D and 3D visualization technologies and Offshore Systems International Ltd. (OSI) a fleet supplier of electronic chart systems and software for navigation and situational awareness have signed a teaming agreement to support the integration of Pliable Display Technology (PDT) by IDELIX into OSI command and control solutions. PDT will be used to enhance geographic situational awareness within OSI products deployed at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels.
�����According to the company, the need for advanced visualization technologies to combat information overload was necessitated by the increasing availability of live track and sensor information from sources such as UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). This integration will allow customers, mostly military, to access various sources of geospatial data from the OSI servers and use the PDT lens to perform continuous local resolution changes that will result in the magnification of detailed information without loss of the contextual data surroundings.
The Canadian Government's National Research Council Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) has awarded Intermap Technologies $454,000 for further research and development of the Company's X- and P-Band radar technology, which is utilized for digitally mapping 3-dimentional images of Earth's surface. The company will use the money to conduct R&D; activities related to Intermap's airborne data acquisition, processing, and analysis methods and algorithms. According to Intermap, this technology will allow it to strip away riparian vegetation that obscures river banks and small drainage channels through a direct measurement method of resolving heavy vegetation at the data collection point for NEXTMap applications.
�����Intermap has already been working with P-Band on several pilot projects to map the earth's surface beneath forest canopy. By using additional measurement techniques, called multi-polarization, Intermap believes it can further refine the accuracy. By itself, P-Band data sometimes leave unanswered the question of exactly where the measurement is coming from the vegetation or the earth's surface. According to the research of several groups working internationally, the addition of multi-polarization capability allows the 'ground return' to be specified. Since the Intermap's TOPOSAR system has
full multi-polarization P-Band capability, it enables Intermap to
further explore the benefits of this enhancement. The contribution from NRC-IRAP will support this exploration.
Intermap, headquartered in Denver, Colorado, is digitally remapping countries, building national databases, called NEXTMap, of digital topographic maps (including elevation).
The Madison County, Ohio, Auditor's Office has selected Hitachi Software Global Technology (HSGT), headquartered in Westminster, Colorado, and the HouseDiff service to improve the accuracy of its tax data by conducting building change detection on the county's aerial imagery. The project will be completed on the county's newly acquired ortho-photography in late spring 2005.
�����Using its ability to generate building data from aerial vantage points, HouseDiff is able to detect additions to the back of buildings and outlying buildings that may not be visible from publicly accessible areas. This advantage will allow the Auditor's Office to better enforce building permit regulations and collect tax revenue from previously unreported building improvements.
�����Madison County's field inspection teams will also know which buildings are new or have changed since the last data collection period. Inspectors will be able to focus more time investigating identified changes and less time verifying buildings that have not changed.
�����Previous HouseDiff projects have resulted in improved accuracy of building data sets and increased county tax revenue through recognition of previously untaxed or undertaxed properties.
WPS Resources Corporation, an energy holding company headquartered in Green Bay, Wisconsin, has selected Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions' Outage Management System (OMS), based on InService technology, to replace its existing, in-house-developed Service Restoration System. As part of the system enhancement, interfaces will be developed with WPS Resources' customer information system (CIS) and GIS, as well as vehicle asset record, automated meter reading, corporate labor records and response time systems. Future interfaces will be developed to the supervisory control and data acquisition, distribution work management, and interactive voice response systems.
�����Intergraph will provide project management, application development, system integration and training for the new system. Velocitie Integration, Inc., an Intergraph Registered Solutions Center, will provide integration services between the OMS and the GIS from GE Network Systems. The InService OMS will provide the platform for managing all trouble dispatch for the gas and electric distribution networks. For the electric network, InService will analyze operating data to help predict and correct potential distribution network failures, helping WPS Resources more efficiently manage day-to-day network operations. During outage situations, the system will accept customer outage calls from the CIS and indicate the probable source of failure, reducing restoration time.
GeoVantage, Inc., a provider of georegistered, orthorectified aerial imagery in full color and near infrared, has appointed John Prisco as President and CEO. Prisco has more than 25 years of experience in senior management positions in entrepreneurial environments, focusing on developing strong market franchises. He most recently served as President and CEO of Ridgeway Systems & Software, Inc., a UK-based software company specializing in secure firewall traversal. Ridgeway was acquired by Tandberg Incorporated in 2004. Prior to Ridgeway Systems, Prisco was President and CEO of Elink Communications, a building-centric data and voice provider. From 1999 to 2001, he served as President and CEO of 2nd Century Communications, a packet-based communications network. Prisco holds a B.S in electrical engineering from Columbia University and a Master of Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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