GIS MONITOR, April 11, 2002
- Open For
- Personal
Security Service Via GPS Enabled Phone�
- GIS 2002:
It's All About Mapping the Show Floor�
- Intergraph
Speaks to Intel Questions
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If a URL runs more than one
line, you may have to cut and paste the second line of the URL into your
The online
marketplace for GIS talent,, formally opened its doors this
week. Not a product, but a services exchange, the idea is to match those
with GIS projects with consultants to do the work. For now, consultants
can sign on for free; come July it will cost $49 US for a 6-month
single-user subscription, which allows access to detailed information on
projects and the opportunity to bid. Those posting projects pay nothing.
Tiensvold, chief executive of argues that finding qualified
consultants is time consuming and limited to local providers.
opens that up. Joe Francica, known to many as the former editor of
Business Geographics Magazine and current editor and general manager of
Directions Magazine suggests in the press release that "there has
never been a good online resource for finding GIS contract work" and
that the site's interactive nature separates it from sites that simply
post RFPs (requests for proposals).
Magazine has an exclusive relationship to promote, and holds
a minority interest in the company.
When I
started out as a consultant, nearly two years ago, I looked at a
similar, but far broader website called The company had
put ads on the radio and I thought the website would be an easy way to
get contracts. At about the same time there was a bit of buzz on the Web
about The GIS Consultants' Network (GISCN). Described as an
international clearinghouse for GIS consultants, the website is no
longer active and the domain appears to be owned by a Chinese telco.
My actual
experience as a consultant turned out this way. Every single client I've
worked with in the past two years was either someone I already knew or
was referred by an acquaintance.
I wish the best of luck since I like the idea, and would be willing
to pay for it. I'm just not sure that business is transacted that way
in our small community.
Launches Online GIS Marketplace�
Associates International (SAI), basically a security company, has teamed
with Airbiquity to offer location-based security. Using SAI's existing
telematics control center, the service, StreetSafe, offers information
or aid based on a cell phone's location, much like a telematics
service, such as OnStar, would to a locatable auto. The service runs $14
to $16 per month and requires a Nokia wireless phones compatible with
the GPS Accessory, $99, the receiver that plugs into the phone.
The big
distinguisher, according to Nancy Carr of the press relations agency
handling the account, is that this offering travels with you � on the
street, on public transportation, or in someone else's vehicle. Carr
also highlight's that E-911 is only for true emergencies and that
StreetSafe provides services such as directions, tire-changes, and "finding
the nearest" ATM. She argues that since the location is transmitted
directly, assistance arrives quicker than traditional roadside
The same day
I read about this new service, I received an insert in my cell phone
bill introducing Roadside Rescue � a $4 monthly fee for auto
assistance. The American Automobile Association (AAA) and other clubs
actually provide the assistance. AAA membership was the first thing I
thought of when I read about the StreetSafe offering. Though for now
they do not offer assistance linked to the location of a cell phone, for
far less than StreetSafe and even less than my cell phone carrier's
deal, AAA provides assistance (that travels with you, not the car), cool
maps, and discounts on movie tickets and car insurance.
The biggest
oversight of location-based service offerings such as these is that MOST
of the time, at home, potential users won't need them. But, when
traveling, they will. Is it worth $16/month to actually use the service
only during the several weeks a business traveler is on the road? I
think not. Would the same person pay $10/week for the service during a
weeklong stay in New York City? Probably.
SAI and
Airbiquity To Provide Portable "Handheld" Security�
GIS 2002: It's
All About Mapping the Show Floor
The Global
Conference and Exhibition on Geospatial Technology, Tools and Solutions,
or what I refer to as GIS 2002, is the 16th annual GIS conference in
Canada. The conference alternates between Toronto and Vancouver each
year. A few companies used this year's Toronto meeting to announce new
or updated offerings. Interestingly, many of the demos are maps of the
show floor.
Services Inc. announced geoCette, a software platform for creating
customized mapping applications on the Internet. Based upon GML
(Geography Markup Language), geoCette allows the integration of multiple
proprietary GIS data formats into a single interactive Web Map and
maintains dynamic links to the backend proprietary GIS data. MapCloud
argues that geoCette is unique because it allows dynamic access to
native data without conversion. I thought other solutions, including
MapGuide, could do that.
A geoCette
demo of the Toronto area of the show and the show floor is available on
the MapCloud website. Although I found the maps quick and pretty, it was
difficult to see if the application in fact demonstrates the above
claims since the source data formats are not provided. The maps are
viewable via Flash (which I used) or an SVG plug-in.
showed of its Pliable GIS technology right on the conference website.
The demo involves a map of the show floor. A 7.5 Mb download is required
to view it. When I asked show management how to access the map without
the download I was sent a PDF.
provided a downloadable show floor map for both PalmOS and PocketPC
based handhelds.
announced a new version of RAVE Geo that includes object aggregation of
lines and polygons which increases access speed, error control at all
zoom levels, and support for extremely large databases. Idevio, I guess
to be different, provides a world map for demonstration purposes on the
company website.
Announces geoCette, a GML-based Internet Map Server Platform�
and map of show floor�
put out a statement on Tuesday evening to say that court-ordered
mediation with Intel aimed at finding a settlement to one phase of the
lawsuit, is ongoing. In meetings begun April 3, 2002 the two companies
have thus far agreed to keep looking for settlement opportunities. Jim
Taylor, Intergraph CEO noted in the statement that the company had
received calls on Tuesday asking about the status of the discussions.
really behind this statement? More than a few phone calls, I'll
suggest. Tuesday, as the market was relatively calm, Intergraph's
stock dropped nearly 20% from 17.5 to 14 by day's end with
significantly higher than normal volume. With no news to cause the
downturn there was a bit of a scare. Intergraph stepped forward to make
it clear that nothing had happened...yet. As we go to press, Intergraph's
stock price has just about recovered.
Issues Statement on Ongoing Talks with Intel�
- Dan Ahern,
Senior Marketing Manager, GIS Solutions at Autodesk updated me on the
NACo (National Association of Counties) plan for homeland security:
"I just
wanted to note that NACo has expanded their plan to include 20 points,
not just 16. They have added recommendations about immigration,
evacuation, research, and legal immunity. I agree with your assessment
that, for many, GIS is not the center of the universe. It plays an
extremely vital role, but it is [only] a piece of the overall solution."
- In the
rush to memorialize the victims and heroes of 9/11 a Pennsylvania
representative is arguing a bill that would turn Route 93 in the
southeastern part of the state into Flight 93 Remembrance Highway. The
road has only the number in common with the flight that crashing in
western Pennsylvania. Another representative is supporting the title for
Route 30, which is the nearest road to the crash site.
- Two recent
press releases touting upcoming conferences crossed my browser in recent
weeks. Neither had the location of the meeting included. I remind
companies that host conferences that the location still matters!��
- The US
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided last week that Applied
Digital Solutions' biochip, called "VeriChip," is not
considered a medical device and therefore is not subject to FDA
regulation. That gives the company free reign to begin implanting the ID
chip into individuals in the US. For now the chip, the size of a grain
of rice, contains just an ID number with further detail stored on a
computer. In time the chip may be combined with GPS as a location tool.
Corporation, a subsidiary of Digital Angel, will launch a new Global
VeriChip Subscriber (GVS) Registry service on May 1, 2002. This is
basically a secure registry to store key medical and contact information
"linked" to the chip. In addition to the cost of the chip itself and
"installation," subscribers will pay a monthly fee for the data
- Acme
Rent-A-Car of New Haven will ask the court for a temporary stay on an
order to curtail use of GPS tracking aimed at speeders in its rental
cars. The company's use of GPS to fine drivers was determined to
violate Connecticut's unfair trade practices law. Acme, however, wants
the stay so it can continue to use GPS and fine customers until its
appeal is heard.
- It's all
over for the company where I learned GIS: Arthur D. Little (ADL) of
Cambridge, Massachusetts has been sold off in five pieces to different
investors. The fire sale, which started after the 116-year old company
filed for bankruptcy in February 2002, brought in US$97 million and will
cover the larger creditors waiting in line for payment. Many ex-ADLers
have lost pensions and ESOP money.
- After
receiving two press releases highlighting the 2700+ registered attendees
at GITA this year I contacted GITA management to get a breakdown of how
many were vendors vs. registered attendees. The organization would not
make that information available, but did confirm that the total cited
included attendees, vendor reps, press, etc.
So, I'll
try some quick rough math. There were 181 vendors. The big vendors (Autodesk,
Intergraph, Smallworld, ESRI and a few others, maybe 10 total) likely
had 50 staff there totaling perhaps 500. The other smaller vendors, as
an average, I'll guess, brought four representatives, totaling 680.
Press people? Maybe twenty; I was one. Other VIPs? I'll guess 50. That's
roughly 1200 vendors/GITA staff/press/VIPs. That yields an estimated
paid attendance of about 1500.
- CellPoint,
whose technology basically locates devices for location-based services,
is appealing a decision from NASDAQ that would delist the company from
the exchange. CellPoint feels that recent reorganization work within the
company puts it on solid ground.
ESRI hosted
its 2002 International Business Partner Conference for more than 800
developers, consultants, data providers, and resellers. Fifty went home
with awards.
& Associates Family of Companies will sell and support the entire
GPS/GIS product line from the GIS & Mapping Division to local
governments and utilities in Michigan (USA).
The new
Government Systems Office (GSO) of Research Systems, Inc. (RSI, a Kodak
subsidiary) provides support to U.S. government agencies and contractors
using RSI's suite of image and data analysis and visualization
Entrees for
Intergraph's first annual Awards for Cartographic Excellence are due
May 1, 2002.
Geomatics has begun a contest for those using its software. Projects
from schools and local government/commercial users are welcome and there
are prizes of MP3 players and digital cameras.�
of Science and Technology (India) and Survey of India, announced a
yearlong celebration to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Great
Trigonometric Survey.
- Contracts
The European
Commission selected Tele Atlas to provide digital mapping data to the
Polaris project, the testing service of the European satellite system
Earth Search
Sciences, Inc. has been awarded a contract to collect hyperspectral data
from its airborne platform for the Remote Sensing Technologies Center at
Mississippi State University.
Computational Geospatial Technologies Center (CGTC) at Mississippi State
University (MSU) has purchased ImageLinks RasterWare Appliances
technology to serve as the spatial data processing engine in MSU's
Geospatial Library.
Inc will use Network Appliance, Inc.'s enterprise network storage
solutions to delivers interactive aerial images via the Internet. The
release goes on to mention that GlobeXplorer will deliver imagery from
Eastman Kodak Company to companies, including MapQuest.
GeoStar, a pan-European interactive auto travel portal will include
Maporama's location products into the website and
i-mode mobile version.
has purchased an Active Archive BC system from ImageLinks to serve as
the raster data production engine for Questerra's recently launched
Web-based spatial information management service.
- Products
launched Maporama Customer Service Solutions, the third module of its
product suite Maporama Enterprise Solutions. Designed for Customer
Service managers in the retail industry the modeule helps use
location-centric information to improve customer satisfaction.
- Hires
Data Technology (GDT) announced that Bruce Bergeron will head its
Community Update program designed to create data exchange partnerships
with local communities throughout the United States. He was formerly
head of GDT's Database Improvement Department.
Apr 10 -
Meteorlogix Provides Red Cross With Storm Tracking System�
StormSentry,a storm tracking and alerting system, will be in use at the
Red Cross' Washington, D.C., headquarters and at other venues to
monitor and predict weather patterns.
Apr 10 -
ESRI and DHI to Integrate GIS with Water Modeling Software�
DHI will
integrate ESRI's ArcGIS platform into its new generation of software
products for dynamic water modeling. The two organizations have a
longstanding relationship: my training partner in a 1992 ArcInfo class
was from DHI.
Apr 09 -
LizardTech Lays Off Half its Staff of 80
Challenged LizardTech is down to 40 employees. Last summer the company
was at 150.
Apr 09 - RGI
Announces Canadian 12.5 Meter Landsat 7 Mosaic�
The digital,
12.5m pixel, three-band color mosaic of Canada is produced from Landsat
7 satellite imagery.
Apr 08 -
Tests Show Kivera Leads in Geocoding and Routing Accuracy
geocoding was tested for accuracy, performing 15-40 percent better than
five competitive solutions. According to Kivera, the company itself
hired 3rd party companies to test several solutions including technology
from MapQuest, Webraska and Telcontar.
Apr 08 -
Oregon To Implement Wireless 9-1-1�
implementation is the result of ongoing work by Airbiquity Inc, and
Plant Equipment Inc. (PEI), working in tandem with Edge Wireless and the
State of Oregon Office of Emergency Management (OEM).
Apr 05 - OGC
to Support I-Team Initiative�
A Technology
Advisory Group (TAG) that will support the efforts of I-Teams nationwide
and allow them to work with OGC for insight into geospatial solutions.
Apr 04 -
Enghouse Acquires Moore Resource Systems�
As I
mentioned in the obituary of the company founder, Moore Resource Systems
is doing fine. Moore customers include some of the largest companies in
North America, including El Paso Corporation, ChevronTexaco Corporation,
and TransCanada Pipelines Ltd. The company is growing at 25% per year
and is expecting revenues next year in excess of $4 Million. No wonder
Enghouse picked up the small company!
Apr 04 -
Trimble and Condor to Provide Monitoring of Infrastructure�
GPS 3D monitoring technology provides scientists, engineers, facility
managers, as well as others tasked with monitoring structural integrity
or natural hazard movement, valuable lead-time to mitigate potentially
hazardous situations. The companies, though they didn't mention it
explicitly, seem to be speaking to homeland security needs.
Apr 04 -
Sanborn Wins Multiple Mapping Projects in the Midwest�
Sanborn will
assist the GIS efforts of Lorain County, Ohio; Jefferson City and Cole
County, Missouri; and Davenport, Iowa.


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GIS Monitor Editor
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