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Intergraph's second annual GeoSpatial World took place this week in Atlanta. Following the success of last year's inaugural event, the format and venue were the same.
Preetha Pulusani, the president of the Intergraph Mapping and GIS Division (IMGS) introduced one of the key words of the conference by noting that her division had a focus not so much on GIS but on GIM, geographic information management. In particular, she noted, providing solutions tied to specific workflows. She ran down the target markets: national, state and local government (mostly outside the US), transportation, utilities and telecommunications, location-based services and software developers. I give the division a lot of credit in its choice to focus and NOT try to do everything. It's very easy with a horizontal technology like GIS to try to be all things to all people, but Intergraph has wisely limited the size of the piece of the pie.
Jim Taylor, Intergraph's CEO, used his keynote to highlight the "new" Intergraph. He did that by tracing the company's history, unflinchingly using graphs of revenues and head counts covering the past thirty-plus years. The theme was the company's early connection with hardware and how it drove much of the early work. Intergraph's software history traces the move from shared resource computers such as the PDP-11 from DEC, to stand-alone workstations, to personal computers, to a company that no longer produces hardware at all. The best story introduced the company's first contract, with the city of Nashville, in 1973. Not only did the company sell a system, but also contracted to produce maps, at $80 per map. Intergraph lost quite a bit of money, but quickly developed IGDS versions 2-5 in a two-year period and learned that products evolve and do so with direct input from users.
Taylor's history lesson had a bit of the feel of a stockholder's meeting. Do users care about "ancient history?" Some clearly do. Older users of Intergraph software got a trip down memory lane. New users, who may not be quite so interested, learned that Jim Taylor makes no excuses and tells it like it is, something I for one find most appealing. One key fact he dropped toward the end of his talk: Intergraph commits a full 10% of revenue to research and development.
Pulusani took the stage again to highlight trends in the industry and the vision for IMGS. The trends she addressed included the fact that data is undervalued. I asked her about that later and she explained the U.S. is perhaps the worst culprit. Because data is "free" and yet not freely shared, U.S. governments and businesses have a hard time realizing the value of the data that they do in fact "own." She argued that we still need to move from a GIS-centric world to an information-centric one. Interoperability got a plug with screen shots of the company's WMSviewer.com website that allows end-users to "tap into data assets" of any server implementing OGC interfaces. She did highlight about ten users of Intergraph technology. But with few maps, it was hard to get a feel for what they were doing. Many of the organizations mentioned were scheduled to present sessions on their work during the conference, so this served as a good introduction to what was ahead. Pulusani also introduced the "new" Team GeoMedia partner program. Initially aimed as a technology sharing program, it's grown to be both a technology and a marketing program aimed at users, developers and consultants.
The demo that rounded out Pulusani's keynote showed off OnDemand, Intergraph's solution for the mobile workforce. After showing ESRI's ArcPAD, which addresses the same marketspace, load 16 Mb of data with no symbology, a very full toolbar, no labeling and slow zooms, the demo turned to OnDemand. The data, compressed for OnDemand, was only 4 Mb, and included pretty symbology. The OnDemand interface showed only a few buttons and the presenter showed off data labels and quick zooms. That would have been enough "dissing" of a competitor for me, but the demo went on to show an update of sign at the intersection of ESRI and Mobile GIS "streets." An image was associated with the sign: "Dead End." And, then there was a silly audio note recorded on the iPAQ that alluded to the dead end once again. The audience found it funny and the "ArcPAD" demo was referred to several times afterward on stage.
David Holmes, who heads up product strategy, finished the morning session by outlining the status of the entire company product line, with a focus on GeoMedia. The theme was "GeoMedia is ready" and it was illustrated in a number of ways. First off, it's ready for MGE users to look at because it now offers comparable functionality via add-ons that MGE supports: Terrain Analyst becomes GeoMedia Terrain, IRAS/C and Image Analyst become GeoMedia Image and GeoMedia Image Pro and GeoMedia Grid, once MFWorks for GeoMedia, is a completely integrated grid solution.
Holmes also highlighted the tools available for MGE users to make the move to GeoMedia: FME's translation tools, the availability of add-ons noted above, and Intergraph staff resources to move existing MDL (MicroStation Development Language) routines into VB (Visual Basic).
Another way that GeoMedia is ready refers to its support of industry standard databases for data storage. GeoMedia now supports Access, SQLServer, IBM DB2 and Oracle. Intergraph is gently encouraging users to move to these solutions.
Holmes alluded to .NET and how it might change Intergraph's architecture that now rests squarely on COM (Microsoft's component object model). He suggests that one way .NET might play out is that every program becomes one or more services. Alternatively, a desktop package like GeoMedia might run in part from the local desktop but use one or more services from .NET. His vision of the future described the use of XML "wrappers" to make the COM objects available as .NET services.
Another announcement spoke to a new viewer. Intergraph produced GeoMedia Viewer a few years ago as a free distributable solution. They'll provide a new version coming in September.
You can't have an Intergraph presentation with out the doer, user, viewer pyramid and Holmes did not disappoint. The changes were the sheer number of products that had to be fitted to one or more tiers. The interesting point: GeoMedia Web Map and IntelliWhere's solutions are so powerful that they can run from viewer up to doer. In other words, these products can run apps that are typically in the arena of hardcore GIS geeks.
There were demonstrations of OnDemand in the field, dynamic segmentation data on the Web, COGO in GeoMedia Parcel Manager complete with an Excel-like interface, and an introduction to quick mapping and image analysis that's not just for the military.
GeoSpatial World

Back in May, Intergraph sent out a letter to MGE users describing its plans for that package. Because the move to MicroStation V8 required too much investment, Intergraph has decided not to port MGE. Instead, with Bentley's agreement to support V7 (aka MicroStation/J) indefinitely, Intergraph will continue to support MGE for that version, also indefinitely. At a session specifically on this topic (attended by 6 MGE users and 5 Intergraph personnel) "indefinitely" was described as "for at least five years."
MGE is at the "end of the road." It may see an update to run on new platforms (say .NET or a new version of Windows) but expect no further substantial enhancements. Coming this summer, for example, are enhancements to MGE to support GeoMedia 5 and updates to better support ArcInfo and MapInfo data. In September, MGDC (MGE GeoData Client) batch commands will be available.
During an interview Pulusani made it clear that Intergraph was not forcing MGE users off of the product. Holmes highlighted that many users produce and edit data in MGE and publish it to the Web using GeoMedia Web Map. And, both reiterated that there is a definite place for CAD in the overall workflow of engineering. To that end, later this year GeoMedia will be able to read MicroStation V8. Due to the need for some V8 DLLs, this will required a license of MicroStation V8.
And, Holmes made it clear in his session that MGE users are encouraged to take a close look at GeoMedia 5. When I asked Pulusani why users were staying with MGE, she argued that they were not ready to move into the new paradigm of storing data in a database.
MicroStation will very likely remain in many of the workflows because, as Holmes put it, "GeoMedia is not for engineering design" but rather aimed at serving specific workflows.

I had the chance to meet with Preetha Pulusani (president of IMGS) and David Holmes (head of product strategy) one on one. I asked about the different "add-ons" and their prices. First I had to understand that there are different categories of add-ons: industry products, extensions and third party applications. Industry products include Public Works, Parcel Manager, Transportation, Transportation Manager. These run between $4000 and $6000 above the cost of GeoMedia or GeoMedia Professional. The horizontal products, also called extensions, include Terrain, Grid, Image and Image Pro and run $3000 to $7000. Intergraph itself resells Oracle and other database products and LabelEZ from MapText. These enterprise level third party products have enterprise level prices.
I asked Pulusani to expand on the idea that data is undervalued here in the U.S. and how we might change that. She replied that in the UK, for example, the Ordnance Survey is a business, which inherently gives the data value: the OS sells it, or more correctly, licenses it. One way we can encourage more respect for data is simply to use it in more applications and in more different ways within an enterprise. I'll add to that: we need to think of it as an asset, like tables and chairs and computers.
Pulusani mentioned that Intergraph was still working to break down "proprietary barriers." I asked which ones were still left. She replied that technology has done quite a lot to open data and applications up, but that this is as much a mindset issue as a technology issue. Despite the technology available, users are still not "thinking" this way. As she put it, "if a user has a shapefile, they think they are all set." Ultimately, she argues we have to get the data into the database as part of the IT infrastructure.
I asked about address matching, a technology that's somewhat limited in GeoMedia. The software still supports GDT's data formats and there are sample commands and an API, and linear referencing which is a type of address matching. But an out-of-the-box solution is not at the top of the list for Intergraph. Again, this coincides nicely with the limited list of markets that the company is pursuing. Business, marketing, sales - all of the business geographics arenas - are just not among them.

Vanessa Lawrence, director general and chief executive of the Ordnance Survey Great Britain, spoke to a full house in Tuesday's keynote. She highlighted the journey of OS to meet customer needs. OS became a fully civilian organization in 1983 and now has 1900 employees. OS is set up as a trading fund in the UK, which basically means it is a government agency that's run like a business and is expected to make a profit that then goes back into the business. OS receives no taxpayer subsidy- although Government pays for any data it needs, as would any other customer-but still managed a L8 million profit on L100 million in revenue last year.
OS is all about data-not software, or value-added services-just data. Partners provide all of the value added products and services. That's a bit different than here in the US. Another big difference: OS has a 550 person team that uses pen-based computers to field check maps and deliver 5000 changes to the base map every day. That commitment to regular updates allows the OS to ensure that any urban changes are picked up within 6 months and rural changes within 3 years. In an emergency, a dedicated team can get digital and hardcopy maps anywhere within the UK within 4 hours.
Paper maps are still big in the UK with a full 25% of OS revenue coming from their sale. And, Lawrence has made it clear that the hardcopy series of 1:50K and 1:25K will continue as long as she's in charge. That said, sales of paper are dropping as many folks use the old map on the bookshelf, instead of investing in a new one.
One of the slides Lawrence put up was new to me but makes good sense: the 80's were the decade of communicating via e-mail, the 90's were about people getting access to data on the Internet and the 00's are about services. The intensity of OS's future involvement in Web services is still under consideration, Lawrence told me in an interview later in the day. Still, the organization has moved forward in weaving "e" into its delivery and internal workings. Five goals helped define this vision: a focus on the customer, working with strategic partners/users, implementing e-tools within the organization, developing the market and installing the enabling infrastructure. That work is underway in 21 specific projects including such things as personalized portals, change-only data delivery (only changes are passed along for end users to integrate) and special relationships with 16 organizations. The work Lawrence did to get this team underway also landed her an extra job as the Government champion for geospatial data within the UK.
OS took a big step forward two years ago and decided it was time to move from a spaghetti, non-topological database to an "intelligent" one. That meant leaving the old point-and-line large-scale "Land-Line" data stored in proprietary NTF behind and defining a new framework. That framework, OS MasterMap, is the ultimate home for existing data that has been re-engineered into an object-based topological format with every one of 423 million features allocated in a unique 16-digit topographic identifier (TOID). Further, new data layers will be added to OS MasterMap over time. OS MasterMap data is delivered in OGC's GML. That to me was a brave step forward and Lawrence explained that any other "standard" such as an industry one didn't "feel right" and was subject to the whims of business. Some opponents felt that providing both an industry format and GML would be better, but that introduced further complexity. Lawrence reports that some vendors jumped right on to GML technology while others are more hesitant. Her response, "Times change."
The questions asked at the end of the session helped highlight the differences between the US and UK visions about data. A NIMA employee asked about withholding data due to recent security concerns. Lawrence put it this way: "In Great Britain, OS data underpins L100 billion of economic activity in both the public and private sectors - that positive contribution to national life far outweighs the risks." She added that it's far better to know the channels of distribution than to simply pull the plug. A European asked about the European Community and data sharing. Lawrence mentioned initiatives like EuroGeographics and INSPIRE, and on the "free data" issue made it clear that "free data equals unmaintained data." A New Englander asked about the future of OS as a "trading fund." The OS is under review (which all UK agencies are every five years) and there is a "leaning" to move the OS to a government-owned public limited company (GOPLC) which would give the organization more agility, including freedom to pay higher salaries in competitive areas and further invest profits. Lawrence feels it "will make no difference to our customers" if there is a change of status. An FGDC employee asked about how local parties can be involved in data capture. OS mostly collects its own data, but does work closely with architects and builders to deliver electronic plans for upcoming construction. In return, the builders are compensated.
I did get to ask Lawrence a few questions after her presentation, and asked about how we in the US can get a "higher level of respect" for our data. Lawrence feels that there needs to be buy-in at the highest levels, standards, and mindshare. I for one think the UK is a model for collect once/update regularly/share widely. Lawrence also argued that the geospatial industry has made GIS look too technical and too complicated. She related a story about a visitor at a show several years ago, who wanted a solution to a specific problem, but ended up with a demo of truck routing.
Lawrence concedes that drawing the line between what OS does and what partners do is a challenge. She does keep a close eye and noted that she recently shut down a project that moved outside of her vision of OS's tasks. My final question was this: what do you say to get buy-in from these top-level people? She replied that you have to go directly to the benefits of better decisions, the impact on the economy (that L100 billion) and specific uses such as the census, ambulance routing and marketing/distribution.
Lawrence is clearly one of the key leaders in pushing geospatial data to the forefront within government. Make it a point to hear her speak, should you get the chance.
Ordnance Survey

The final keynote was from a perhaps unlikely speaker, Richard Varn, CIO and director of Information Technology for the state of Iowa. If you think CIOs are dull, spend a minute with Varn and you will change your mind. He spent an hour pushing and prodding users to move beyond the GIS "converted" and focus on other arenas. He touched on many topics, both close to and far from GIS: making identity systems work, the idea that who you are may be more important than where you are, that we need a standardized way to store addresses for the whole U.S., that online gambling technology brings together identity, location, IT in a way that may soon make sense for other uses. One thing to remember about gambling: activities like gambling and other less talked about parts of the economy, are often the first to use new technologies. Therefore they are worth watching. Note that cameras, video, computers, CDs and DVDs all were used for adult entertainment before they were used widely for more mundane purposes.
Varn also made it clear that we as GIS folks should perhaps drop the G in GIS. He used as an example "e-business." At first that was a hot term, but more recently those in business have decided that business is still business and "e" is just another channel. "E-government" is moving in the same direction. In our world, yes, our information is geographic, but at its heart, it's information.
Finally, Varn echoed some of the comments of Vanessa Lawrence. Varn highlighted that we need to "tell stories" to make our case. He gave some clever ways to convey lots of information that didn't involve maps, but still told stories.
After the talk I cornered Varn and put to him the "top down" vs. "bottom up" question for getting data users to standardize and share. He painted this picture: we need both and more! In particular, he said we need a mandate from above, programmatic people pushing from the bottom, and standards pushing from the sides. That way, we'll have them cornered! The folks on the bottom are the most likely to see the value of data sharing and those at the top, who may lay down the rules, may not be able to "force" those who "hoard" data to actually share. He noted that this had happened in his state and that managers may need to force the issue.
Iowa Information Technology Department

The show floor of GeoSpatial World was just about the same size as last year. I checked in with a few companies to see what was new.
MRF, who specializes in data cleanup tools for developers has expanded its product line (that includes support for ESRI, Autodesk, Intergraph and Bentley) to include support for ESRI's MapObjects. That means that if you want to use MapObjects to build a viewer or more powerful app, you can include "build and clean" by using their components.
Safe Software has spent the past few years developing a front end for its scripting language, to develop its WorkBench functionality. Workbench provides a visual tool to develop a workflow for data conversion and transformation. Let's be clear that transformation means both changing projections AND doing traditional things like filtering (querying), finding the nearest and other functions. So a workflow (illustrated in arrows and boxes) might do the following: start with a DGN file, pull out the text from level 6 to a second DGN file, then relate the text to the roads on layer 10 (using a find the nearest) option and put the values into the MSLINK element, then re-project the file to Albers Equal Area and output a shape file. All of the functionality has been available in FME, and until now technical users could use a scripting language to put together these workflows. Now, any end-user can do the same thing. WorkBench was the hottest thing I saw on the floor this year.
I followed up the demo with some questions of Dale Lutz, one of Safe's founders. We spoke about GML and he noted the similarity it had to SAIF, an early 90's format for data sharing. In fact, many of the folks behind GML were involved with SAIF. What was interesting, he said, is that eventually, there were "flavors" or "profiles" of SAIF and Lutz expects that the same will eventually happen with GML. Still, he feels that GML will change how we share data. Safe is already involved in GML tools.
ISTAR is one of those companies that I never quite understood. I knew they provided imagery, but didn't know what sort. See if you can follow me. Traditional photogrammetry uses two images with overlap to determine the heights of objects using math that uses the angles known in the camera and angles determined from the images. In an image you might "match up" several to several hundred or more points to develop a 3D model. Now, imagine that you could do that for every single pixel in the image pairs. That's what ISTAR does using a farm of computers in France. And, as you might expect, the more points are used, the closer the model is to reality. To top it off, ISTAR takes the nadir image (the one directly below the camera on the airplane) and overlays it on the model. So, what you get are images with no building lean and very accurate heights. And, city alleys between tall buildings are not obscured, which can happen with other technologies.
Who needs this type of imagery? Telecommunications companies who need to worry about where to put towers to maximize the signal, as well as the military and local government. The turnaround time is typically faster than photogrammetry, because the system relies more on machines that labor. ISTAR's plane flies at 20,000 ft and can cover larger areas faster than LIDAR. For example, the company's 1 ft camera can cover 350 square miles per day. And, since ISTAR uses the exact same data to produce the 3D model as they do for the image, there is no issue of merging separate data (from say a LIDAR sensor and a digital image). Don't get me wrong, you do see some weird things happen when there are only 1 or 2 pairs for a patch of pixels, but most of the time each pixel is covered in more pairs. And, of course real humans do review the imagery and clean up these types of glitches.
Safe Software

� Henry Cordova, GIS Mgr, Broward County, FL wrote to encourage readers to read up on and comment on URISA's certification proposal. He suggests looking at articles in GeoWorld and GeoSpatial Solutions:
"�this issue is rapidly coming to a head as URISA maneuvers into position and is of the greatest importance to the GIS community. Time is running out and the more GIS people are informed about this debate, the better."

Two companies have changed their names. The companies have only a limited link to the geospatial arena, but these are, well, interesting choices. @Track Communications is changing its name to Minorplanet Systems USA. Before the name @Track, the company was HighwayMaster, and offered a truck tracking solution. After trouble as @Track, and near delisting from the NASDAQ, Minorplanet PLC of the UK came to the rescue. Minorplanet is an interesting name - not quite the huge, global feel of PlanetCAD, VideoPlanet or other major planet names. But then, perhaps "three's a charm" for company names.
The other company, Fort Lauderdale flooring retailer Floor D�cor is getting a new name, too: Tiger Telematics. I'm not sure how you move from the flooring industry into telematics, but I wish them luck!
MSNBC reports that Ruby Ranch, a neighborhood in Summit County Colorado did not expect to receive DSL from the local phone company, Qwest. So, the neighborhood sued the company to get access to unused lines (which by law phone companies must make available) and started their own DSL cooperative. Residents put up put up $12,000 for hardware and twelve subscribers pay an upfront cost of $300 plus $60/month. The main equipment is stored in a barn.
According to Wired The "M-Party" is a new searching game to pull together party-goers as they find the party. Using mobile phones, the host transmits text messages to invitees giving clues to the party's location. As groups seeking the destination meet, they band together, get to know each other, and hopefully, arrive with a new set of friends. This is a British phenomenon for now, used for corporate events, publicity and just regular parties. I for one think that the allure of seeking treasure (a la geocaching, letterboxing, etc.) is the key.
According to the Business Software Alliance's (BSA) seventh annual benchmark survey on global software piracy, software piracy is on the rise around the globe - growing from 37 percent in 2000 to 40 percent in 2001.
The Associated Press reports that an environmental group opposed to using the Yucca Mountain in Nevada as a place to store nuclear waste has posted maps showing buffers around potential routes. Proponents ask why the group hasn't put up maps of the many shipments of other hazardous materials that cross the U.S. daily.
The North American unit of BAE Systems is looking to buy TRW, the satellite and missile contractor. TRW is fighting a takeover bid by the Northrop Grumman Corporation. All of these companies play to some degree in geospatial technologies as military contractors.
Ralph Grabowski noted 4 key trends at a lightly attended A/E/C SYSTEMS show: wireless data on handhelds used on site, all but CAD software firms (doing things that aren't CAD), PDF as a neutral format and the small size of the show.
URISA's 1st Annual Public Participation GIS Conference's registration info is online. The conference runs from July 21-23 at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. The conference is not using printed programs and thus can offer reduced registration from $115.

� Announcements
IntelliWhere announced a global partnership with mobile work management application service provider, Retriever Communications Pty Ltd. IntelliWhere will sell the Retriever Service, an established wireless solution for workforce automation. The two companies will also collaborate on the Retriever Service+maps, a solution that will integrate IntelliWhere's wireless mapping capabilities with the existing Retriever Service.
InfoTech Enterprises, Inc. announced that the firm has changed its name to Avineon, Inc.
Bluegrass GIS, Inc. announced that the company successfully migrated an existing ArcInfo 7.2.1 and ArcStorm system to ArcGIS 8 with an enterprise Geodatabase housed in Oracle 8.1.6 and ArcSDE 8 for Nashville Electric Service in Nashville, TN.
� Contracts
The City of St. Paul, Minnesota Division of Parks & Recreation is inventorying its trails system using the GS50 data collector from Leica Geosystems.
Intermap Technologies Inc. announced that it has received contracts with an initial value of CDN $10,755,000 for the provision of terrain elevation and image data using Intermap's proprietary mapping technology. The client was not named.
The Annapolis District Planning Commission (ADPC) under the
auspice of the Western Valley Development Authority (WVDA) of Nova Scotia, has selected ESRI's geographic information system (GIS) software as their web-based, municipal GIS for the Centre for Land Information and Computer-based Knowledge (CLICK) project.
GeoConcept, European leader in geographical information systems (G.I.S.), has been chosen by the Development Committee for the region of La Plagne to provide a novel information service on ski slopes in the area. The service, GeoStation, was developed in collaboration with Orodia, a company specializing in digital use of photogrammetry (3D aerial photography) and global positioning systems (GPS).
SPOT Image Corporation has moved to a new office in Chantilly, VA.
� Products
Leica Geosystems announced the worldwide introduction of the Laser Alignment-branded family of service locator tools known as DIGICAT 100, DIGITEX 8/33 and DIGITRACE 30/50/80. The DIGICAT 100 location system provides a solution for tracing buried utility services.
ArcGIS 8.2 and ArcIMS 4 are now available in Canada.
IntelliWhere announced that IntelliWhere OnDemand, its new mapping software product for personal digital assistants (PDAs), is now shipping worldwide.
ESRI and Tele Atlas have launched the Tele Atlas Multinet data pack. The product is fully compatible with ESRI's ArcIMS Route Server extension.
LeadDog Consulting announced the release of Mexico Postcode Geocoding Data. Designed for any location based service application, LeadDog's product covers virtually every postcode nationwide with a latitude/longitude coordinate in Mexico.
Intergraph Mapping and GIS Solutions, in collaboration with Keigan Systems of London, Ontario, Canada (formerly ThinkSpace, makers of MFWorks) announced GeoMedia Grid, an add-on which enables advanced grid analysis.
Leica Geosystems' GIS & Mapping Division announced the latest release of its SCAN aerial film scanning software that works in conjunction with the high-throughput Leica DSW300 and DSW500 scanners.
� Hires
Rich Laird has joined Applied Geographics' Software Architects and Developers Team. Rich was one of my colleagues at ESRI-Boston for many years.
Two new non-executive directors have been appointed to the board of Ordnance Survey, Britain's national mapping agency. Sir Michael Bett CBE is Chairman of Pace Micro Technology plc and of Compel Group plc. Judith Anthony is Director of An Ju Ltd, providing consultancy on planning and development issues, business development and tourism strategy, principally in the Thames Valley area.

June 12 - Intergraph and GISbid.com Partner
Team GeoMedia RSP and RSC members will receive a special membership code to gain access to the private workgroup area on the GISbid.com Web site.
June 11 - EMERGE Delivers 1 ft Imagery for Wetland Delineation
New data was a perfect match to existing statewide data sets.
June 11 - DMTI Spatial Releases GeoPinpoint V3.2
GeoPinpoint V3.2 is a multi platform geocoding and address management software solution for business intelligence and location based services.
June 10 - QUALCOMM Announces Agreement with Maptuit
Maptuit Corporation will offer Maptuit�s FleetNav suite of services to QUALCOMM's OmniTRACS mobile communications system unit customers.
June 10 - Intergraph Introduces GeoMedia Terrain 5.0
GeoMedia Terrain 5.0 software is an add-on for terrain analysis, elevation derived feature generation, and three-dimensional (3D) visualization.
June 10 - DeLorme Launches New Software GeoSpider
GeoSpider is capable of performing terrestrial, GPS only, or combined GPS and terrestrial adjustments on networks of virtually any size observed anywhere in the world.
June 10 - Osmose Acquires Coherent Networks Division
Osmose, Inc., announced the acquisition of Coherent Networks' FastGate/Utility Division.
June 07 - New Geocoding Server from SICAD
The SICAD Geocoding Server bundles services for establishing the user's own position, determining the geographical location of a defined object and searching for points of interest (POIs) in various categories in the vicinity.
June 06 - National Park Service Selects GPS-Photo Link
GPS-Photo Link will allow the NPS to meet their requirement that they have a digital photo and a geographic coordinate for every asset.
June 06 - Analytical Surveys Moves to SmallCap Market
Nasdaq has approved the Company's application to list its common stock on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market. Management is planning a reverse split of ASI's common stock later this fiscal year, which should help the Company meet Nasdaq's minimum $1.00 bid listing requirement.
June 06 - Leica Geosystems on Target in Fiscal Year 2001/02
Leica Geosystems today announced that its revenues grew by 23% in 2001/02, of which 21% came from acquisitions.


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