LAND INFO International,
LLC, producer of international mapping and geospatial products,
has offered its services to Porcher Taylor, a U.S. intelligence
expert leading an effort to identify an anomaly on Turkey�s Mt.
Ararat. Near the top of the mountain, sits a 600-foot
rectangular-shaped object, which many believe is the remnants of
Noah�s Ark.
McLean, Virginia based ITspatial, L.L.C. has joined
the ESRI Business Partner Program.
Unwiredfactory, a global provider of location-based entertainment
for the mobile Internet and CellPoint have entered into a
partnership agreement to deliver a complete end-to-end solution to
mobile operators throughout the world. Unwiredfactory based in
Copenhagen, Denmark, aims to be a leading provider of location-based
will offer a set of two 1-day short courses in spatial and temporal
data analysis methods and software. This training will occur in Ann
Arbor, MI on September 12 & 13, 2002.
Municipal Software Corp.'s CityView won
the Packaged Application of the Year award. The award was part of
the Microsoft Certified Partner Awards.
The French space agency CNES handed over responsibility for
commercial operation of SPOT 5 to SPOT IMAGE, which will
now be distributing imagery acquired by the new satellite worldwide.
URISA's Draft Code of
Ethics is available for review and comment. Comments are
encouraged before July 31, 2002.
Software Architect Jonathan Bradley has teamed with several GIS
industry veterans to form Mapping Science, Inc. The
company is developing new tools and techniques built specifically
for the geospatial community using the JPEG2000 standard.
TenLinks, Inc., announced the launch of, the reading room
for computer aided design. With more than a thousand reviews and
several hundred tutorials, tips, success stories, editorials and
more, claims to be the largest and best-organized
collection of articles for the CAD professional.
Paradigm Advanced
Technology, Inc.'s Destinator Division announced a distribution
agreement with Computer Marketplace Inc. (CMI) of Tewksbury, MA, a
leading systems integrator for advanced software and hardware
solutions. Under the agreement, the companies are combining the
Destinator system with the Hewlett Packard Jornada or the Compaq
iPAQ PDA to offer an easy to use navigation bundle that rivals
existing automobile navigation systems for a fraction of their cost.
Rolta India Limited, a company providing CAD Cam and GIS
Solutions was the first company I'm aware of in the geospatial
industry to be hit with accounting irregularities. According to reports,
the company overstated sales for 2001 causing a 20% drop in its
stock price.
The Management Association for Private Photogrammetric Surveyors
(MAPPS) celebrates its 20th
anniversary with a special annual conference, a new logo and a
redesign of its web site. According to its website, MAPPS' primary
objective is to develop strength and unity on matters affecting the
interests of its member firms. It is intended to promote a quality,
profitable profession, interaction among firms, advance education,
both professional and public.
The Regional Municipality of York, the Region of Waterloo, the
Town of Oakville, and the County of Oxford have won the Urban
Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), Ontario Chapter's
Map Gallery challenge and Web GIS challenge. The announcement came
from ESRI Canada which
congratulated the winners, all ESRI users.
Dr. Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Vice President for Research and the Williams
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the
University of Michigan, received the 2000 William T. Pecora Award
last month in recognition of his achievements as a pioneer and
leading authority in the field of radar remote sensing. Sponsored
jointly by the Department of the Interior (DOI) and the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), this award is presented
annually to recognize outstanding contributions toward the
understanding of the Earth by means of remote sensing.
The European Organization for Experimental Photogrammetric
Research (OEEPE) is organizing e-learning courses about
advanced techniques in photogrammetry, remote sensing and GIS. The
first three courses will take place in October and November of this
The Ordnance Survey, UK's national mapping agency 2001-02 Annual
Report and Accounts, published online shows a turnover
on trading of �102.6 million, up by more than 3% on last year's
�99.6 million. Ordnance Survey succeeded in beating all the agency
performance targets set by the Government for the year.
Contracts City of Keene, NH
expanded their CityView;
8.NET Enterprise system in order to create an E-city portal.
FleetBoss Global Positioning Solutions, Inc. announced an OEM
agreement with the Elgin Sweeper Company of Elgin, Ill. Fleetboss
will provide vehicle management software for Elgin street cleaning
@Road has been selected by
Verizon to provide mobile resource management services to help
manage Verizon field operations.
GeoAnalytics, Inc., a
provider of geographic and land information systems (GIS/LIS)
technology and management consulting, has been hired by the City of
Chicago to design and develop a Web-GIS front-end to the City's
Multi-Agency Government Integrated Communication (MAGIC) automated
vehicle location (AVL) system.
Space Imaging was
awarded a three-year, $800,000 contract with the state of Kentucky's
Governor's Office for Technology. Space Imaging will provide
satellite imagery and processing technologies to the Kentucky
Landscape Snapshot (KLS) Project. A grant from National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) funds the effort to monitor, map and
assess the state's forests and urban environment.
MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates
Ltd. announced that the U.S. government, through the National
Imagery and Mapping Agency, (NIMA) has contracted with the company's
Information Products group to provide RADARSAT-1 products and
services, such as near-real time delivery of RADARSAT-1 data. The
contract, awarded by NIMA to MDA subsidiary RADARSAT International,
has a maximum value of $8 million over the next three years.
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