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2007 May 24

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Editor's Introduction

I have been in Italy for the past two weeks, visiting family and friends, so I took the opportunity to catch up with GIS developments here. In this week's issue, I bring you a wide-ranging discussion with a faculty member at the Politecnico di Milano, Milan's prestigious science and technology university. Plus, the usual round-up of press releases.

As always, I encourage your feedback.


Matteo Luccio

Milan's GIS for City Statistics

While the City of Milano (Italy's economic capital, with a population of 1.3 million in an urban area of 4.3 million) is slowly setting up an enterprise GIS—from which, ultimately, all other city systems should be able to draw validated data—the members of the city's statistics unit have been working with their own GIS for more than a decade. Statisticians by training and occupation, they are self-taught in GIS, which has become an essential tool in their daily work. The system was born about ten years ago with very basic cartographic capabilities and became roughly what it is today by the late 1990s. They have since implemented new functionalities, new geographic layers, and new modes of use.

Last week, I discussed the statistics unit's GIS work with the director of its parent organization, the city's research section, Domenico Senisa; the unit's manager of geographic statistics, Paola Rimbano; and Sergio Stefani, a consultant to the unit.

Read more…

News Briefs

Please note: I have neither edited nor verified the content of these press releases.


    1. amAze Enables DigitalGlobe Satellite Imagery on Mobile Phones

    2. Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging Acquires ER Mapper

    3. Arctic Slope Announces Latest Addition to USDA FAS/IPAB Prime Vendor Contract

    4. Cadcorp and Steria announce new Cadcorp Viewer for SteriaSTORM for police command and control applications

    5. GeoAnalytics Team Retained By Wayne County, Michigan to Develop A Roads Infrastructure Management System


    1. Business Analyst Online Now Provides On-Demand Analysis with 2007/2012 Demographic Data

    2. WhiteStar Introduces Unlimited Base Map Access (UBA) Product

    3. DMTI Spatial Offers an 'Inside View' with Multiple Dwelling Unit (MDU) Buildings

    4. Azteca Systems Announces the Release of Cityworks Version 4.4

    5. New Matrox DualHead2Go Digital Edition Now Shipping

    6. Pitney Bowes MapInfo Announces New Risk Data Suite for Weather and Natural Disaster-Related Risk Assessment


    1. GeoWeb 2007 to Feature 13 Comprehensive Workshops

    2. "The GeoWeb conference program is greatly enhanced with this year's impressive lineup of workshops. These workshops explore technology innovations and policy important to every GIS professional," said Ron Lake, Chairman & CEO, Galdos Systems Inc.. He added, "The acquisition of knowledge is what the GeoWeb conferences are all about."

  4. OTHER

    1. CSI Wireless Shareholders Approve Name Change to "Hemisphere GPS"

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GIS Monitor

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