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Submitting Material to GIS Monitor

If you have news that is relevant to people working in mapping, geographic information systems (GIS) or related subjects, we'd like to hear about it.

Submitting News to GIS Monitor
News is posted weekly as part of each issue of GIS Monitor. Noteworthy events may be posted within a day or two on the website homepage as Points of Interest.

Send your news materials to Matteo Luccio.

Please embed text in an e-mail message, attach a Word file or include a link to a news item already published on the Internet. We encourage you to host the news on your website before sending it to us for publication. (It can't be that important if you don't post it!) We request that you provide a URL where graphics may be downloaded instead of sending unsolicited large (> 0.5 Mb) files. Please do not send PDF files.

News must be received by 9 AM each Wednesday Eastern Time (USA) for that week's issue. News received after this time may be posted the next week.

GIS Monitor reserves the right to edit the news or press release, or to not use it at all. Submission of news implies a transfer of copyright, and allows GIS Monitor to use all materials submitted in any form.

Submitting Story Ideas to GIS Monitor

If you have a topics that you'd like to see covered in GIS Monitor or a hot tip on something of interest, we are most interested. At this time GIS Monitor does not solicit manuscripts for publication. However, other GITC America publications do. The editor will be happy to explore other options.

Send your news or topic suggestions to Matteo Luccio.

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without prior authorization from GITC America, Inc. GIS Monitor is a GITC publication.