Review:GeoMedia and GeoMedia Professional 5.0 - "consolidating analytical functionality" is the description but the author notes "GeoMedias steep
learning curve" and that the release might be better called GeoMedia 4.5. Robert Barr, GI News, Feb 2003
Review:GeoMedia and GeoMedia Professional 5.0 - the "products represent an order of magnitude increase in geospatial analytical power on the desktop," Malcolm D. Williamson, GEOWorld, Sept 2002
- Intergraph
GeoMedia Professional V4.0 - Robert Barr, GI News, June 2001
- GeoMedia
4.0 and GeoMedia Professional 4.0 - Debbie Harmon, GeoWorld, Jan 2001
- GeoMedia
3.0 - Fred Limp, Mapping Awareness, Sept 1999
See also: Reviews - Topical