Week in Review
Please note: Material used herein is often supplied by external sources and used as is.
� Announcements
AirPhotoUSA, a producer of seamless U.S. aerial imagery, and GlobeXplorer, ang online provider of earth imagery, have finalized an expanded partnership agreement designed to greatly enhance both firms' future business strategies. The details were not shared.
DM Solutions Group Inc., an Open Source and open standards Web mapping solutions company, and Orkney Inc., a Japanese business solution provider, announced a partnership to jointly deliver an internationalized version of MapServer. Enhancements to MapServer include several new language encoding capabilities such as Thai, Japanese, and Chinese.
Lawrence R. Pettinger has been named the ASPRS 2005 Fellow Award winner. The ASPRS designation of Fellow is conferred on active Society members who have performed exceptional service in advancing the science and use of the mapping sciences (photogrammetry, remote sensing, surveying, geographic information systems, and related disciplines). This award will be given in March at the ASPRS 2005 Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland.
Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions announced Kansas City Power and Light (KCP&L;) has purchased Intergraph's InService for mobile workforce management. Kansas City Power & Light Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Great Plains Energy Incorporated, serves approximately 500,000 customers in 24 northwestern Missouri and Kansas counties - a territory of about 4,600 square miles.
Laser-Scan announced that Imass has entered into a partnership to resell Radius Topology via its Utilities business arm. Imass provides integrated IT solutions across the Utilities, Public Safety organizations and blue chip organizations.
The Open Geospatial Consortium Inc. (OGC) invites additional participation in a Web Processing Service Interoperability Experiment to test and refine a draft implementation specification that enables geoprocessing via the Internet. OGC and the NIBS (National Institute of Building Sciences) IAI-NA (North American Chapter of the International Alliance for Interoperability) Council jointly announced their formal agreement to work together.
Mapping and Geospatial Solutions and the Intergraph GeoSpatial Users Community (IGUC) announced it is accepting entries for the Intergraph 2005 Geospatial Achievement and Cartographic Excellence Awards Programs. The competitions, which are designed to acknowledge and promote exemplary performance using geospatial technology, highlight innovative and technologically advanced implementations worldwide.
KOREM, a MapInfo developer, was recently awarded "MapInfo Canadian Partner of the Year 2004" by MapInfo Corporation for the fourth consecutive year. The award was presented to Mr. Luc Vaillancourt, V.P. Business Development, KOREM, during the opening reception of KOREM's annual conference GEOdiffusion, last December in Quebec City.
Ubisense, maker of a sense-driven computing platform, added the University of Stuttgart's Nexus Center of Excellence to its network of global users, further expanding the location-based technology company's customer base in Europe. Ubisense already has customers in England, Ireland, Finland, Switzerland, Holland, and Germany.
The Faculty of Environmental Studies of the University of Waterloo, an institution for the study of Geomatics in Canada, has entered an agreement with KHEOPS Technologies for its software JMap for distributed geospatial teaching and research in the Faculty. In particular, JMap is to be used as part of a new project on Internet mapping as a basis for collaborative decision making in the urban planning process. This project is funded by GEOIDE through its pan-Canadian network of centres of excellence in Geomatics.
Pictometry and Mobile Video Services, Inc. (Mobile Video), a provider of field data verification services, address matching, and street-view imaging, announced the firms have entered into a business alliance. Under terms of the agreement, the two companies will promote their combined product offerings where Pictometry imaging solutions and software will be incorporated as part of Mobile Video's field operations to provide aerial views of the entire property while the street-view, ground-level shot is captured, the property is appraised, and the address data is verified.
MetaCarta, Inc. was named as a Top 100 Innovator by Red Herring, a Silicon Valley media company that covers technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, and business.
� Contracts and Sales
NavCom Technology, a wholly owned subsidiary of Deere & Company, announced that Filanda has been named as dealer, coupling NavCom Technology's VueStar aerial navigation solution with their SoftNav product line. Filanda's product SoftNav is used for aeronautical applications with software developed specifically for LiDAR, seismic data acquisition, photogrammetry, 3D photo aerial inventory, and agricultural spraying.
Paulding County, Ga., recently selected Woolpert, Inc., to develop an integrated enterprise GIS for all Paulding County departments.
TeleCommunication Systems, Inc. announced that WeatherBug, the leading provider of weather information services, has selected TCS to provide real-time, up-to-the-minute traffic data to WeatherBug's consumers in 95 markets across the U.S. TCS' streaming traffic information will be brought to WeatherBug's 19 million unique monthly visitors via its popular desktop application.
Leica Geosystems GIS & Mapping, LLC announced the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM) has selected Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS) as its standard photogrammetric application.
Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions announced Kansas City Power and Light (KCP&L;) has purchased Intergraph's InService for mobile workforce management. Kansas City Power & Light Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Great Plains Energy Incorporated, serves approximately 500,000 customers in 24 northwestern Missouri and Kansas counties - a territory of about 4,600 square miles. The City of Zurich, Switzerland has selected Intergraph Public Safety to combine its two emergency dispatching centers into one central communications center. The new center will join city police, fire, and emergency medical services (EMS) into one location thus increasing operational efficiencies. The contract award is valued at over $2.9 million.
Positive Systems, Inc., recent recipient of a NASA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Contract, is now entering Phase II: development of the NASA-funded project. Valued at over $550,000, the contract is for research and development of precise automatic image alignment tools, which NASA will use with satellite imagery and other imagery sources. Positive Systems plans to develop a new product during this phase as well as improve their existing DIME� technology and in-house capabilities. Phase I (proof of concept) was successfully completed in 2004. Phase II will span two years, followed by Phase III (commercialization).
MITRE's Technology Transfer Office has licensed the Geocast technology to SquareLoop, Inc., a northern Virginia-based company specializing in emerging Location-Based Service (LBS) markets. The license grants SquareLoop worldwide exclusivity to the Geocast patents. The technology provides for a unique broadcast/receiver model for delivery of geographic specific information to cell phones and mobile communication devices without infringing on the privacy of the individual. SquareLoop plans to market the Geocast technology for the business and civil service markets. Several early adopter markets have been identified: emergency alerting for utilities, governmental agencies, and hazardous industrial businesses; content delivery of traffic, weather, and Internet-derived media; and merchandising and promotional messages with geographic value.
Garmin has landed a contract to supply in-dash GPS products to Mopar, a unit of DaimlerChrysler that supplies accessories for Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep.
PlanGraphics, Inc. will deliver a variety of Phase II enterprise GIS implementation services to the Gary, Ind. Sanitary District and the City of Gary under a contract amendment approved by the City of Gary on Jan. 25. This work is expected to be completed by November, 2005.
SANZ Inc. announced a partnering agreement with LizardTech Inc. to enable SANZ EarthWhere users to read, and more importantly, to write in the MrSID generation 3 format as soon as this spring. SANZ has agreed to license the GeoExpress with MrSID SDK (Software Development Kit) and embed the libraries that will allow EarthWhere users to directly encode to the MrSID format.
The GNOSIS consortium has chosen IONIC Software to build a geoportal, aimed at citizens and scientists worldwide, to discover and access information available at the Belgian federal scientific institutes. This geoportal forms part of the GNOSIS (Generalized Natural Sciences Online and Spatial Information System) initiative that is funded by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office and brings together scientific partners from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) and Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMI). The geoportal is developed by GIM Geographic Information Management, the technical partner in the consortium.
Clark Labs and the USDA have recently entered into a Cooperative Agreement to construct maps of potential gypsy moth establishment and damage in uninfested areas of the United States.
� Products
DM Solutions Group Inc., an Open Source and open standards Web mapping solutions company, announced the availability of Chameleon version 2.0, an Open Source technology which allows users to easily create highly customizable Web mapping applications. It works with MapServer.
The Carbon Project announced it is providing a free development toolkit, CarbonTools 2, which will allow thousands of software developers to use Microsoft .NET technology to easily develop interoperable geospatial solutions and access hundreds of online geospatial resources.
GIS and Land Records: The ArcGIS Parcel Data Model, is a new book from ESRI Press that explores land record information management. Designing Geodatabases-Case Studies in GIS Data Modeling was also announced.
@Road, Inc. announced the launch of the @Road Facilities Management Suite, a comprehensive set of services and features designed to simplify complex routing and improve operational efficiencies for commercial and industrial roll-off lines of business. By eliminating manual routing and data entry activities, @Road helps facilities management companies reduce hours per haul, increase the number of container swaps, and standardize overall business processes.
Matrox Graphics Inc. announced the Matrox QID LP PCIe, the industry's first x16 PCI Express graphics card for up to four displays at a time. Providing extra reliability and performance, this card has a single Matrox-designed graphics chip to control displays and to support x16 PCI Express natively. The company also announced the Millennium P650 PCIe 128 graphics card, the first Millennium P-Series product for PCI Express.
ESRI announced that PLTS for ArcGIS 9-Foundation is now shipping. Foundation provides the PLTS components found within each of the PLTS solutions (Aeronautical, Defense, Mapping Agency, and Nautical). Foundation allows users to define their own geodatabase model, map series, and symbology definitions while providing editing tools universally required. Business rules are implemented in valid value tables and condition tables that provide rule-based attribute capture and validation, quality assurance, and map symbology. Database driven cartography allows symbolization from feature attributes and provides sophisticated and repeatable map templates.
LeadDog Consulting, LLC announced the release of Dubai City Streets to support asset-tracking, government and commercial GIS applications.
� Events
Ten Sails Consulting, a GIS development and services company, released the program for its upcoming Smallworld Symposium, to be held in Denver on March 10, 2005, immediately following the GITA annual conference. Ten Sails announced GE Energy as overall sponsor of the event, and Spatial Business Systems as lunch sponsors.
GITA, OGC and ORNL will host the Emerging Technology Summit III: Advancing the Sensor Web April 14-15, 2005 at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington DC. This two-day event addresses the current use, future plans, and challenges regarding the use of sensors for improved decision-making, planning, and production.
The deadline date for abstract submissions for the Urban and Regional Information Systems (URISA) 2005 Annual Conference has been extended to Friday, February 11, 2005. URISA's 43rd Annual Conference will take place October 9-12, 2005 in Kansas City, Missouri. Abstracts are being accepted in a wide range of categories.
The International LIDAR Mapping Forum (ILMF) is an industry group whose goal is to advance the education and knowledge of LIDAR mapping technology and applications. The fifth annual conference, April 25-26, 2005 in New Orleans, Louisiana, will bring together LiDAR professionals from around the world to network and hear about the latest technology and issues affecting LiDAR Mapping.
� Training
Blue Marble Geographics announced the 2005 Geographic Calculator and Geographic Transformer training schedule. The day-long sessions are in-depth user training courses on the applications.
PCI Geomatics announced that the current Eduserv Chest agreement for Geomatica software - which applies to educational institutes in the U.K. and Ireland - has been renewed for three more years.
� People
PlanGraphics, Inc. announced that Christi L. Stevens and Lori Bayless have joined the company's GIS services staff.
Gizmondo Europe Ltd, subsidiary of Jacksonville, Florida-based Tiger Telematics Inc announced Mike Morgan will be joining the Tiger Telematics management team as Vice President of Worldwide Sales for Gizmondo from the 1st February 2005. He comes from Sony Europe.
Bill Schuman was recently named Senior Project Manager for GeoDecisions. Schuman will be responsible for managing various projects for transportation agencies across the U.S. He was previously at the Iowa Department of Transportation in Ames, Iowa.
Ordnance Survey announced the appointment of geographic information specialist Simon Doyle as Development Manager within the Information Systems group. Doyle worked at among other places, Cadcorp, which seems to be a hotbed of talent for OS.
Jeff Thurston has been appointed Editor of GEO:connexion International Magazine, effective February 15, 2005. He succeeds Peter FitzGibbon, who assumes editorial responsibilities for a new title from the company. Based in Berlin, Germany, Thurston is highly regarded throughout the international geospatial community, both as an author (his co-authored book Integrated Geospatial Technologies is currently available from Wiley Publishing) and as a contributor to numerous periodicals. Most recently, he has edited the Netherlands-based GeoInformatics Magazine. Best of luck, Jeff!

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