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After my article pointing out how quiet things were regarding GIS at Bentley's conference I received a few e-mails and read other attendees reports. I also received a Letter to the Editor from Bentley (see below). The e-mails suggested a new "alliance" between Bentley and ESRI. I contacted both companies and Bentley shared a snippet of Greg Bentley's keynote that referred to the relationship between the two companies.
"Many of you have strenuously requested that we find a way to reduce your current burden in dual maintenance of data required for ESRI applications."
we are in fact committed to nothing less than institutionalizing interoperability between AEC and GIS data. We share this commitment with ESRI themselves, and we will be reporting jointly on this undertaking at the CADD/GIS Symposium in San Antonio in August. There, Bentley will be demonstrating support of ESRI's MXD and SHP files with our latest release of ProjectWise. (That version is designed specifically for the ESRI user community with the appropriate ArcMap licenses.)"
According to Susan Smith of GIS Caf�, writing in GIS Vision magazine, "Most probably, this will mean that Bentley will work out how to read ArcView and ArcInfo files natively in V8, as it has done with AutoCAD files."
Smith notes three goals for the relationship: ProjectWise MXD/SHP support, server interoperability, and solution coordination. ProjectWise, Bentley document management system now supports MicroStation V8 DGN, AutoCAD2002 DWG files, and files from Microsoft Office applications, but will down the road support .mxd, the "map" format in ArcInfo 8 (comparable to the old .apr files of ArcView 3.x) and shape files. As for server interoperability I have to imagine that refers to ModelServer Continuum, Bentley's solution for spatial data storage and ESRI's ArcSDE or perhaps the movement of features in an engineering database into spatial one. Solution coordination to me sounds like joint marketing and selling, but I could be mistaken. Smith notes, too, that the two companies want to target "cadastre and mapping agencies and map and data providers (and many more)."
Sanjay Kumar and Maneesh Prasad, from GISdevelopment, understood the relationship a bit differently, noting "An impression was given that Bentley is going to focus more and more on AEC and Geoengineering. With regard to GIS, Bentley is opting to focus on data capture, conversion, validation, and further passing the same to complete GIS System[s]." These comments suggest to me that Bentley may have realized that its strength lies in data creation and validation and chose to focus there, while looking to ESRI as a partner for the geospatial analysis.
There are other ways to see this pairing. It's perhaps a way for Bentley to strengthen its standing for its upcoming IPO by aligning itself with longtime GIS champ ESRI. It may be a way for ESRI to make a statement of sorts to CAD software leader Autodesk. ESRI and Autodesk worked together briefly on CAD-based GIS in the early 1990s, but the relationship did not last.
Finally, I'll note that this type of alliance rarely works unless there is a specific product defined or a customer to satisfy. I am a bit skeptical of the noted goal of "reporting" on the undertaking. To me, it doesn't sound like a real commitment. When I contacted ESRI I was provided the following statement: "We will be working with Bentley on AEC-GIS interoperability, but we do not want to make a major announcement until we have made technical progress and have real users."
2002 Bentley International User Conference (GISdevelopment)
Geoengineering at Bentley (GIS Vision)
Bentley Hosts 2,000 for Annual Conference in Atlantic City (TenLinks)

In a blow to telematics, Ford this week announced that it will pull out of Wingcast, its year-and-a-half old joint venture with Qualcomm. Qualcomm, which owns 15% of the company and invested $25 million, has decided not to go it alone and will shutter the startup. A Ford spokesperson said that the decision was part of the company's "back to basics" philosophy aimed at managing through recent tough times. He added that this does not mean the end of telematics at Ford, which is still exploring Bluetooth solutions. Wingcast was built on cell phone technology.
Ford personnel also noted, the company does "not believe it is necessary to have equity interest in a telematics service provider in order to meet that goal". That is good news for the many technology companies that hope to own this new market and who hope to serve more than one automaker.
In mid-May Wingcast chose GDT data for its offering. Telcontar, developer of a software platform for location-based services, quickly put out a news release noting that the recent dissolution of Wingcast, one of its customers, does not materially damage the company's financial position or change its commitment to the OEM telematics market.
Interestingly, in article published on Sunday, Harold Kodesh, chief executive officer of Wingcast LLC said, "Telematics is not glamorous. They thought it would make billions of dollars, but you have to work at it. It is harder to show the value."
Although this failure will not singlehandedly kill telematics, it will certainly slow it down. And, in our industry, players like GDT and Telcontar may have to look elsewhere for revenue in the short term.
Wingcast Joint Venture Company in Telematics to Dissolve (Qualcomm Release)
Ford, Qualcomm Ground Wingcast (NewsFactor)
Ford and Qualcomm Jettison Telematics Venture (CW360)
Consumers Balk at Latest Bells, Whistles in Family Auto (Miami Herald, Knight Ridder)

Openwave Systems Inc. a communication infrastructure software and applications company announced that is will purchase SignalSoft Corporation. Openwave will pay $2.26 per share, or about $59 million, in cash. SignalSoft, the developer of the Wireless Location Services software suite, is one of the more widely known location-based services (LBS) company. As I understand it, OpenWave intends to use $45 million of SignalSoft's cash on-hand to fund the buyout. Does that mean that they are really only paying $59 million - $45 million = $14 million?
According to the press release, SignalSoft has more location-based services deployed worldwide than any other software infrastructure vendor. Openwave feels adding Signalsoft mixes well with its existing expertise in mobile and messaging software. SignalSoft was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado. Openwave is based in Redwood City, California. The two companies had been working together in a technology partnership for the last two years, which may speed integration.
At the close of trading on Wednesday, the date of the announcement, SignalSoft shares were up $1.16, or nearly 110 percent, to $2.22. Openwave shares closed down 25 cents, or nearly 4 percent, to $6.14.
Some investors argue that this was a steal, that the book value was over $3.00 per share. Those against the sale feel that SignlalSoft pulled in limited revenue, owned technology ignored by others, and had a very high burn rate (rate of spending).
The acquisition raises an interesting question: should location services companies weave themselves into the often larger telcom software companies? Or, will LBS software companies be able to keep their exclusive focus and remain independent, but often with a host of partners? In a sense this is the same dichotomy that traditional GIS faces. Does spatial software belong with the vertical industry that uses it (say Vertical Mapper, a MapInfo add-on, is now owned by telcom hardware vendor Marconi, or Smallworld now part of larger energy company GE) or alternatively, in a company devoted to GIS (say ESRI)? The same questions can be asked about telematics in the context of SignalSoft above. I don't think we know the final answer at this point. The vertical acquisitions in the GIS arena, to my recollection, are relatively recent. Still, in a few years, they may provide some insight to the LBS industry for reference.
Openwave To Acquire SignalSoft
Openwave Acquires SignalSoft, Other Software for $76.5M (IDG News)

This week marked the annual A/E/C SYSTEMS show, this year in Anaheim, CA. I've missed the past few iterations of this show and noted, from afar, how GIS companies and attendees, so far as I can tell from anecdotal information, have slowly opted out. The trend seems to continue which I think is a good sign: the show is returning to its roots in architecture, engineering and construction. Why do I think this?
The GIS tracks number three: GIS for the Engineer ("Examine the basics of Geographic Information Systems and how engineers can profit by getting involved."), GIS for Public Works and Engineering ("Create and view a real engineering and public works GIS system for a typical city."), Geographic Information Systems for the Architect ("Explore how GIS might be a platform for expanded pre-designed services for architects.") The titles, to me, make it very clear that GIS is now finding place as a tool for use in these areas, but is not a be all and end all. That's a different message than the one from, say, five years ago that pushed GIS as a "must have" for engineering.
I also searched on sessions about the Internet (or Web) to see if there is a change in tone there. Internet sessions include just seven and they mostly steer clear of collaboration or project management. Instead they focus on using the Web for recruiting or document management.
GIS and related companies number five: Trimble, Maptech, Leica Geosystems, ESRI, Autodesk. But, the exhibitor list on the A/E/C website dates from April 15, so there could well be more.

SUPERCOMM is an annual conference and trade show devoted to telecommunications. It's typically the place for GIS companies to offer hardware and network management applications, and service mapping to wired and wireless carriers. Not surprisingly, it's become a place for location-based services (LBS) as carriers try to offer more services to end-users and raise profits. The slow economy has left the telco industry in the lurch in a number of areas, but that doesn't mean those in GIS are not still courting the big players with new offerings.
Autodesk used the show to announce its latest LBS "Connect" offering providing traffic information. Traffic Connect, part of the Autodesk Location Connect suite, provides up-to-the-minute, personalized traffic information along with requested driving directions for pre-determined routes or within a 10-mile radius of a particular point.
MapInfo is showing off apps that (1) help carriers to meet FCC mandates for Local Number Portability (LNP) and E911, (2) enable carriers to manage sales territories and visually highlight geographic areas and specific business locations with the greatest revenue potential for long distance, local, wireless, data and IP services and (3) pre-qualify customers for DSL.
CADTEL Systems, Inc. announced another solution in its Spatial-E-SUITE to the communications industry at the show. Spatial-BROADBAND allows providers to do strategic and precision targeted marketing to only those prospects who legitimately pre-qualify for broadband service.
Autodesk Traffic Connect Alleviates Traffic Hassles
MapInfo Showcases LBS Solutions SUPERCOMM 2002

Cambridge Positioning Systems, which created the (EOTD) Enhanced
Observed Time Difference technology, is running its final tests on the technology currently licensed to Cingular Wireless, AT&T; Wireless and VoiceStream Wireless. The technology is designed to locate emergency calls from cell phones to within government requirements. Because the systems uses cell towers (up to four) to determine the position, rural areas, with fewer towers, have poorer accuracy. Where towers are closer together, such as urban areas, the technology beats its rivals, according to Chris Wade, the company's Chief Executive.
In the tests, carried out using the operators' networks, the system must locate two-thirds of 911 calls within 100 yards to meet the federal mandate for E911 accuracy. Several carriers have requested delays from the Federal Communication Commission to allow them to work out the bugs in EOTD. Cingular Wireless told the FCC it would abandon EOTD in 2003 if it still doesn't have working equipment. Acquiring necessary hardware has also been a challenge for the carriers.
Ben Charny writing for CNET News.com notes the executives from Cambridge Positioning Systems suggested that the success or failure of these tests will determine its future.
Cambridge Positioning Systems
Last Chance for E911 Technology

Michelle Rudiman, Director of Corporate Communications at Bentley Systems wrote to update some information on the recent conference.
"I read with interest your coverage of the Bentley International User Conference in the GIS Monitor dated May 30, 2002. It is unfortunate you were unable to attend in person. I would like to point out three key facts for your readers.
"First, the conference offered nine Geoengineering Product Line Workshops, a Geoengineering Product Line Theater on the exhibit floor with continual multimedia and live product demonstrations, a Bentley Geoengineering Product Directions keynote, a keynote and panel discussion on 2D & 3D Data Management and Open GIS SQL Specifications, and user presentations including, to name a few, From Mapping to a GIS World in the City of Helsinki, GeoGraphics Implementation at the City of Tulsa and GeoGraphics Project Migration to Oracle.
"Second, contrary to your report that no GIS press was in attendance, I am happy to tell your readers that our conference was covered in person by GISCafe, GIS Development and your parent publication Professional Surveyor, in addition to 29 other journalists. Detailed coverage of the conference from a GIS Development perspective can be found today at www.gisdevelopment.net and www.giscafe.com. I expect more will be published shortly.
"Finally, Bentley is proud to be an OpenGIS member and we are genuinely enthusiastic about further AEC and GIS interoperability initiatives that in the near future will significantly improve the ability of engineering and planning professionals to better collaborate.
"At our Users Conference this year we presented a comprehensive, balanced program of hands-on workshops, user presentations, training and live demonstrations covering all of our product lines. That is our commitment to our users year after year."

According to the Post-Crescent, a panel in Appleton, WI, has determined that GPS tracking may be good for some types of inmates, but not others. In particular, the group argues that those with drunk driving crimes are not suitable candidates. The fear is that a single accident by one such individual could shut down the program for all types of offenders.
MapBlast has discontinued its MyMapBlast area for registered users. Now anyone, without registration, can save up to 10 maps by using cookies. MapQuest shut down its comparable MyMapQuest offering last December. My sense then was that MapQuest simply didn't want to store individuals' information on its servers. I suspect that's true of MapBlast. Both companies must spend some time thinking about how they might compete with MapPoint .NET, which, if it's everything it says it is, may take away some of their core businesses.
Satellite radio, which among other things, hopes to conquer the current geography dependence of traditional stations, now has some 76,000 subscribers. One company is now active, XM, while competitor Siruis expects nationwide rollout later this summer. The hardware, which goes in the car or home, runs $300 and up including installation, though several automakers are looking to install systems either standard or as options. There are limitations: the satellite broadcasts occasionally pop out and there is no reception underground or in tunnels. According to the New York Times (free registration required), the hundred channels with unique content and clear reception are the big draw. Still many users still crave access to the local DJ and news.
If you ever wanted to know the differences in the Autodesk Partner Program between fiscal year 2002 and fiscal year 2003 (now in progress) you can read them as part of the company's Securities and Exchange Commission report. The highlight of the long document for me was this statement: "The goal of the FY03 Channel Partner Program is to incent and reward partners that are focused on the more difficult and higher value-add sales."
To celebrate its fourth birthday the folks at Google (one of the top search engines and my personal favorite) held a programming contest. The challenge was to take 900,000 raw pages and some basic code and write a program "that does something interesting with the data, in such a way that it would scale to a web-sized collection of documents." The winner, Daniel Egnor, a former Microsoft employee, wrote a program that allows geographic searches. He took the raw pages and geocoded addresses found in them using TIGER and FIPS data. He indexed the resulting coordinates, allowing for spatial queries (find the nearest bank to my house). Google chose Egnor's app because "because it combined an interesting and useful idea with a clean and robust implementation." The source code is available under GNU Public License.
The City of San Diego's Megan's Law Website drew a million visitors in its first day online. The site shows sex offenders within a two-block radius of an address. No names or address are given for the offenders.
The Data Quality Act, set to go into full effect in October, requires the government to set standards for the accuracy of scientific information distributed by federal agencies. If the data is wrong, anyone is welcome to point that out. If the error is confirmed, the data will be removed from the publication or the Internet. Read more in the New York Times (free registration required).
Trimble announced the GeoExplorer CE series, a pair of Windows CE devices with integrated GPS. The new receivers solve two key challenges for those who want to use either a handheld/GPS combo or just a GPS in the field: most consumer/business PDAs, and their associated "plug in" GPS cards or sleeves are not designed for severe weather and most GPSs have very basic software and rarely allow the installation of other tools. The devices operate from -10 C (14 F) to +50 C (122 F) and are dustproof, shock and vibration resistant, and will endure wind-driven rain. Because they run Windows CE, the user can select from a variety of software from Trimble, ESRI and others to use in data capture. The GeoXM provides 2-5 meter accuracy and the high-end GeoXT adds submeter accuracy and Trimble's EVEREST multipath rejection technology for use in areas with satellite access issues such as heavy tree cover. The handhelds are expected to ship later this summer.
UK's Ordnance Survey (OS) has updated its guidelines for the media to reproduce its maps. The media can publish of up to 1,000 sq cms of map per issue on the editorial pages of newspapers and magazines free of charge so long as they let the OS know about it. Qualifying publications can apply for a free 12-month license if they require more insertions.

� Announcements
SPOT Image Corporation and Iunctus Geomatics Corporation signed a channel partnership contract. Iunctus has the exclusive rights to sell SPOT satellite products and services to all Canadian customers.
The Mississippi State University (MSU) Remote Sensing Technologies Center, through the MSU Extension Service developed and launched 'Explore Mississippi,' a website that allows the public to view high-resolution aerial imagery, access census data and research geographic information relating to Mississippi.
MapInfo is offering a free upgrade to MapInfo Professional v7.0 when you purchase MapInfo Discovery before June 28, 2002. This offer is valid in the US & Canada only and provides an upgrade for one licensed copy of MapInfo Professional for each MapInfo Discovery license purchased.
Geosystems of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, has partnered with Miner & Miner to develop business in Latin America.
Speedera Networks, Inc., provider of content delivery services, and Quova, Inc., provider of Internet geolocation services to online businesses, today announced they have formed a strategic partnership. The agreement provides for Speedera to resell Quova's GeoPoint service, and for the two companies to collaborate on joint sales and marketing.
Denver-based Space Imaging supplied satellite images, worth approximately $90,000, to Los Angeles visual effects shop Rhythm & Hues Studios for its work on scenes in the Paramount Pictures film "The Sum of All Fears." One of my colleagues gave the film a less than stellar review but said the imagery was cool.
The US Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) upgraded their Open GIS Consortium membership level from Principal Member to Strategic Member.
SPATIALinfo, a supplier of network and spatial information solutions, announced an agreement with Broadband Services, Inc. (BSI), an outsource provider of integrated supply chain management, network design and fulfillment services. SPATIALinfo's products will be incorporated into BSI's MapVantage offering to the Cable and Broadband industry.
EarthScan Network Inc., a provider of distribution and technology services for the remote sensing industry announced the addition of DigitalGlobe and ImageSat International as content providers of the ImageNetwork.
CellPoint has created a new wholly-owned subsidiary CellPoint Systems AB, that will purchase all assets from its former bankrupt subsidiary of the same name.