� Announcements
Bell Canada was presented with an Award of Excellence at ESRI Canada's Regional User Conference in recognition of Bell Canada's 9-1-1 Mapping application.
Laser-Scan and Cadcorp, have announced a co-operation agreement. The companies intend to work together to allow users of Cadcorp's flagship product, Cadcorp SISseamless access to Laser-Scan's Radius Topology, when deployed with Oracle spatial technology.
Lockheed Martin Corp. announced an agreement to acquire Titan Corp. for approximately $2.4 billion, a move that will strengthen its position in defense and intelligence technologies.
Navigation Technologies announced that its NAVTECH Map Data provides a digital roadmap database to exploit the powerful features of Oracle Spatial 10g.
Miner & Miner, Consulting Engineers, Inc. and CGI CYME (CYME) recently announced an official business alliance. The alliance formalizes the agreement between the two companies to continue to provide electric utilities with the ability to access CYME's network analysis software, CYMDIST, from within Miner & Miner's GIS-based ArcFM Solution.
NovaLIS Technologies has been selected Business of the Year by the Metro Halifax Business Awards.
Telcontar and TransDecisions announced a worldwide cooperative marketing agreement. Under the agreement both companies will be able to add value for their customers by offering additional products as needed. TransDecisions will offer Telcontar's Drill Down Server spatial software platform as an option for their fleet logistics customers, while Telcontar will offer TransDecisions' patented geocoder for customers requiring high volumes of batch geocoding for vehicle telematics, wireless LBS, and mobile resource management.

� Contracts and Sales
Intergraph Benelux announced that West-Vlaamse Energie-en Teledistributiemaatschappij (WVEM) selected Intergraph's G/Technology and GeoMedia software as the enabling AM/FM/GIS platform for its Enterprise Network Resource Management System.
Groupe Alta announced that MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates (MDA) has awarded Hauts-Monts Inc., a member of the Groupe Alta, bookings of over $2 million (CDN) to provide digital land information products to monitor crop growth for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Applied Geographics, Inc. (AGI) has been approved by the State of Indiana to participate in the Department of Information Technology 's (DoIT) Business Partner Alliance program. The BPA program allows AGI to partner with DoIT to provide GIS planning, coordination, development, and implementation services to state agencies and local governments throughout the state.
CompassCom Inc. and Sierra Wireless announced that they have been selected by the City of Aurora in Colorado to migrate its Public Works Department to next generation technology.
Denver Public Schools selected ESRI to provide GIS software for K-12 schools.
� Products
LeadDog Consulting announced the release of Mexico Streets & Roads in SDC format, the proprietary data format used within ESRI's RouteMap IMS.
Geosoft, a provider of geospatial software for earth science industries, announced the release of Target for ArcGIS, a surface and drillhole mapping extension to ESRI's ArcGIS software.
Fastrax Ltd. and Mobintelecom Oy introduced TRAXER, a pocket-size device for personal security. In case of an emergency, TRAXER is activated quickly by pressing an easy-touch panic button. Upon activation the device uses the Fastrax GPS receiver to define its exact position direction and velocity, and auto dials or sends an SMS message to a set of predefined numbers via the GSM network. The auto dial and messaging cycle is repeated until the alert and position information is delivered. TRAXER standard security features also include voice and speed monitoring and geo-fencing.
Mapping the News: Case Studies in GIS and Journalism, is a new book from ESRI Press that not only helps journalists dig deeper in reporting the news but also helps media organizations visually present the news to its readers and subscribers.
Kivera announced its release of Open Location Services (OpenLS). I believe what that means is that the company released a product that supports the proposed standard from the Open GIS Consortium.
ESRI Business Information Solutions (ESRI BIS), a division of ESRI, announced the launch of Retail MarketPlace, a new database that enables businesses to analyze both supply (retail sales) and demand (consumer spending or retail potential) for retail and food services establishments.
The new navigation CD from Tele Atlas for the Becker platforms Traffic Pro and DTM includes information on road speed limits.
ESRI has updated the Geodata.gov website to provide links to websites and maps relevant to Hurricane Isabel. Click on the "Hurricane Isabel Information and Maps" icon. FEMA's Hazard Maps is also interesting.
RaveGeo is now available in a Java implementation. RaveGeo Java software reduces the size of vector-based geographical information up to 90-95% and allows the data to be streamed quickly and efficiently to Web browsers.
GeoConcept SA announced the worldwide availability of GeoConcept Edilis 6.5, an intelligent space and infrastructure management solution designed for local authorities, engineers, and surveyors. The product includes a module for managing electricity and telecommunications, enhanced wastewater management tools. The enhanced routing module offers roads signs and marking management.
MapInfo announced the availability of MapInfo PSYTE U.S. Advantage, the company's neighborhood profiling solution completely re-engineered with new, location-enhanced lifestyle and consumer demographics. The company also announced availability of RiskDataInfo, a comprehensive data set of weather and natural hazards for its Insurance Decision Solution Suite (IDSS), an insurance visualization solution. Now, insurance companies and reinsurers can visually analyze and consider the potential impact of weather and other natural hazards in relation to a specific location. RiskDataInfo allows insurance carriers and reinsurers to consider comprehensive historical data on hail storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados and wind storms, to make more informed decisions on risk exposure, allowing reduced costs and enhanced profitability.
Laser-Scan announced the development of Radius Topology for Oracle 10g, which will enable users to take advantage of the topology storage feature in Oracle10g.
� Events
The 2003 New England GITA Fall Conference titled "The Use of Imagery with GIS" will be held Thursday, October 23, 2003 at the Sheraton Braintree.
The deadline to submit abstracts for the 2004 Integrating GIS & CAMA Conference is October 3, 2003.
� Education and Training
Organization of Islamic Conference Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) has initiated a program for human resource development in GIS. Education and training in the subject will be provided at COMSTECH Research and Training Center (CRTC). CRTC has recently signed an agreement with INTERGRAPH under which CRTC has so far received software assistance form INTERGRAPH worth over US$10,000/- for the year 2003. CRTC added a program on GISbased on INTERGRAPH technology under CRTC Award Programme since July 2003.
Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions announced a new partnership with the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) to promote the use of advanced technology in land administration and management infrastructure among surveyors and surveying organizations worldwide. Through the partnership, Intergraph will award 21 GeoMedia grants, valued at over $8.2 million (U.S.), exclusively to FIG members. FIG is a federation of national associations with members from 100 countries, and it is the only international body that represents all surveying disciplines.
San Antonio College received a $24,985 grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities to help integrate Web-based mapping into the school's humanities curriculum. GIS will be tested for use in two modules: Exploring Globalization Visually and Exploring the Mayan World. Sounds very cool.
� Hires and Appointments
Bob Williams has returned to Sanborn to head up the St. Louis office.
Bud Porter has joined Power Delivery Associates as Vice President of Business Development. He's worked at ESRI, Enghouse and Synercom.


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