Week in Review
Please note: Material used herein is often supplied by external sources and used as is.
Harris unveiled InReality Analyst Edition, the latest of its visualization software modules. Analyst Edition offers users a more powerful viewing application and enhances the value of 3D models by expanding their use across a variety of applications.
� Announcements
Avenza Systems Inc., producer of MAPublisher, announced that Real World GIS of Perth, Australia has been appointed as the regional distributor of MAPublisher and other Avenza products for Australia, New Zealand and other points the South Pacific area. The company also announced the winners of the 2004 MAPublisher Map Awards.
PCI Geomatics announces that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Hansa Luftbild Consulting International GmbH of Muenster, Germany that outlines terms of collaboration for identifying and pursuing Image-Centric opportunities.
NAVTEQ announced the sponsors of the Global LBS Challenge, a contest that challenges developers to build location-enabled applications for wireless devices. The corporate sponsors include ESRI, Microsoft Corp., SiRF Technology, Inc., and Telcontar. Directions Magazine and the Wireless Innovation Network of British Columbia (WINBC) are the official media sponsors of the Challenge.
GeoDecisions recently became a member of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC).
NovaLIS Technologies added Group 1 to its Business Partner Program. NovaLIS Technologies is integrating Group 1's data quality technology to provide important value-added functionality within their product offerings.
Experian has acquired Simmons Research. Simmons is a provider of syndicated research information on what American consumers buy, where they shop, their attitudes and lifestyles, and the media channels they use.
Blue Marble Geographics announced a new partnership with German mapping software vendor, screen & paper. The German company will sell Blue Marble products.
IBM announced that it has developed a new telematics software platform for FleetBoard, a DaimlerChrysler subsidiary, as part of its strategic relationship with DaimlerChrysler. The new architecture will enable FleetBoard, a provider of fleet-management solutions and telematics-based internet services, to further strengthen its position across the European market.
The U.S. Patent Office has awarded Meteorlogix a very broad patent for its innovative work on location-based alerting. Meteorlogix's unique technology enables organizations to automatically monitor weather conditions at locations around the world according to rules that the user establishes.
The Open Geospatial Consortium Inc. (OGC) announced a Request for Quotations (RFQ) from technology developers interested in an Interoperability Initiative to develop and deploy a reference implementation of OGC-based services at the state level in the U.S. The OGC Kentucky Landscape Census (KLC) Pilot Project advances OGC Web Services (OWS), the set of OpenGIS Specifications that comprise the interoperability framework for the emerging "Spatial Web." The implementation will become the basis for the Commonwealth's contribution to the U.S. Geological Survey's National Map.
TDS announced that surveyors can receive up to $1,200 when they trade-in their old data collectors and purchase a Recon or Ranger with Survey Pro.
Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions presented a total of six scholarships, awards, and grants to students and educators who have demonstrated exemplary performance in advancing the future of GIS at the 2004 GIScience conference, held this week at the University of Maryland. Intergraph presented three student travel scholarships with a total value of $2,000 (U.S.). The scholarships are used to cover the cost of registration, travel, and hotel accommodations for the conference. Applicants were required to submit both a resume and a paper or abstract demonstrating their involvement in the study of GIS. Scholarship recipients include Paul Robinson, University of Leicester (UK); Jeff Howarth, University of California, Santa Barbara; and Eeva Hedefine, University of Maine.
The United States Department of Labor has awarded a US$1 million grant to Nortel Networks Kidz Online, a non-profit digital education service, and the NASA Center for Distance Learning to conduct a special, two-year educational program that will use interactive multimedia tools and broadband connectivity to train workers of the future for jobs related to geospatial technology.
� Contracts and Sales
Michael Baker Jr., Inc., an engineering unit of Michael Baker Corporation, has been awarded a multi-year contract estimated at $10 million for data collection services in support of the U.S. Census Bureau's Geography Division.
The Government of Finland and ImageOne Co. Ltd. of Japan have signed US$3.44 million worth of RADARSAT-1 and -2 data and services.
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) has commissioned a powerful geocoding engine called QuickLocate, developed by Sydney based company MapData Sciences Pty Ltd, to streamline its data modeling capabilities.
The City of Indianapolis and Marion County have approved a license agreement for Pictometry's imagery and software.
Sanborn has purchased a Trimble GS 200 3D laser scanner. The LiDAR (light detection and ranging) instrument will be used as an alternate means of terrain and digital image acquisition.
Telcontar announced that Ask Jeeves, Inc. has selected Telcontar's Drill Down Server (DDS) to power its Map Search function on the Ask Jeeves website.
Tele Atlas and Clear Channel Traffic, a division of Clear Channel Communications, announced that they are ready to begin delivering nationwide traffic information for the top 50 markets to navigation systems using RDS/TMC -- the radio broadcast standard technology for delivering traffic and travel information to drivers.
GAF AG has been awarded a contract by the European Space Agency (ESA) to setup a water management project appropriately known as AQUIFER. Essentially, AQUIFER will support national authorities and international institutions in aquifer management using tailored and GIS-compatible products and services that facilitate daily operations.
The City of Pearland, Texas recently switched to MapOptix to meet its enterprise GIS needs. MapOptix is an ArcIMS-based enterprise publishing.
� Products
NAVTEQ is teaming with NavInfo, a provider of a navigable digital map for China, to enable the creation of world class navigation applications and location-based services to meet Chinese market demand. Also, NAVTEQ has added five new attributes to NAVTEQ maps: enhanced geometry accuracy, speed limit, special speed situations, variable speed signs, and number of lanes.
SIA released dataMAP Version 3.11.
GfK MACON released "RegioGraph 8" and "DISTRICT 8" in premium-editions. The products include economy data and maps of all 25 EU member states. B2B- and B2C companies can gain insight into important markets. GfK MACON also provides complete 4-digit postcode areas all over China.
Radom-T's GIS ObjectLand is a GIS for Windows. There's a free version for use by non-commercial entities and education users.
- vector-raster maps;
- multiuser data editing;
- import/export for MIF/MID, SHP, DXF, DBF, CSV;
- access permissions for users;
- using native and external DBMS (ODBC);
- COM interfaces
Air-Trak, Inc., a developer of location, tracking, and messaging systems that support a combination of communications platforms and wireless networks, announced the availability of geofencing on its Cloudberry mobile resource management system. Fleets using Cloudberry can now automatically receive an alert when a vehicle or other asset enters or exits a user-defined geographic area. Alerts appear on-screen and by email, pager, or mobile phone.
Ubisense unveiled the newest version of its Smart Space platform, a location-based technology that can help reduce workplace facilities costs by 20 to 40 percent. The new version enables accurate real-time location of Ubisense UbiTags, as well as the ability to integrate a variety of different sensor types, such as RFID tags.
Microsoft wants people to know a few things about Pocket Streets 2005, which just shipped. It's available as a stand-alone product from retailers and online. It features GPS functionality for the Smartphone application (old versions only supported GPS on PocketPC). It has new maps of Australia, Brazil, and Greece, includes tools to measure distance, and has an improved user interface. The retail price runs about $24.95.
� Events
URISA's 42nd Annual Conference will get underway next month with an important keynote address from Jim Geringer, the former Governor of Wyoming.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) (formerly the Open GIS Consortium), announced that it will conduct live, multi-vendor demonstrations of Web-based geoprocessing interoperability at "Interoperability 2004 -- Integrating process, organization, systems." This conference, organized by the Institute for Defense & Government Advancement (IDGA) will be held October 20 - 21, 2004 in Washington, D.C.
During November SIA will be holding a number of free GIS browser seminars in the UK. SIA's dataMAP Internet GIS Browser is designed for incorporating a digital mapping portal within corporate websites.
Kuwait's 1st International Conference on Geographic Information Systems will be held February 5-7, 2005 at the Crown Plaza Hotel - Kuwait.
Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions and the Intergraph GeoSpatial Users Community, sponsors of GeoSpatial World 2005 to be held in San Francisco, California, April 26-28, encourage mapping and geospatial professionals to submit presentation proposals before the October 31 deadline.
The Geospatial Information and Technology Association's (GITA) has selected Chip Eichelberger as the keynote speaker for the opening session of GITA's Annual Conference 28, set for March 6-9, 2005, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colo. Eichelberger is an expert at building peak individual performance and interactive team leading. He was an award-winning salesperson for Jantzen Sportswear before joining noted author and motivator Anthony Robbins in 1988.
� Training
ESRI Virtual Campus will present the free live training seminar, Working with Geodatabase Precision and Spatial Domain, on November 4, 2004, at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 3:00 p.m. Pacific time. The seminar is designed for database administrators, GIS analysts, and anyone who needs to add data to a geodatabase.
� Hires
GeoDecisions will be relocating its Philadelphia office on Oct. 15. The company plans to move its suite, located at 1515 Market Street, to the 20th floor of the same building. Ric Johnson was recently named development manager for the company.
Dr. Andrew Clark, president of the Harris Corporation's Maritime Communication Services (MCS) subsidiary, has accepted a one-year assignment with Ocean.US, an interagency program office established to design, deploy, and operate a sustained Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). Dr. Clark is the first industry executive invited to serve on Ocean.US; he will continue to provide executive oversight to MCS and serve in an advisory capacity to Harris throughout this temporary assignment.

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