� Announcements
Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions announced it has completed joint interoperability testing on the company's recently released Geography Markup Language (GML) data server that ensures direct access to digital data provided by leading European national mapping agencies Ordnance Survey and Topografische Dienst Nederland (TDN) (Dutch National Mapping Agency). This means that users working with GeoMedia products can now read and present OS MasterMap and TOP10NL datasets in the format specified by their suppliers. The GML data server provides professionals with access to geospatial vector data in open GML formats for desktop viewing or distribution, thereby facilitating open standard data exchange.
DMTI Spatial and MapInfo renewed their partnership vows this week.
Laser-Scan and Intergraph (UK) Mapping and GeoSpatial Solutions announced their intention to work together to deliver joint solutions for Defence and Public Sector markets in the UK.
DMTI Spatial, a Canadian provider of comprehensive geospatial products and services, launched its "Great Canadian Mapping Challenge" - a scholarship program that offers Canadian university and college students the opportunity to add a spatial view to their studies and to earn a monetary reward for their creative and analytical excellence. Open to both undergraduate and graduate students, the Great Canadian Mapping Challenge provides four scholarship awards, totaling $10,000, to students attending an educational institutional which subscribes to DMTI's SMART (Spatial Mapping Academic Research Tools) program.
Leica Geosystems' sales from continuing operations increased by 5.0% in the second quarter, with revenues rising to CHF 163.8 million compared with CHF 156.1 million in the previous year. Sales performance was largely influenced by growth in the Company's Surveying & Engineering activities (+4.4%), coupled with significant growth in Consumer Products (+41.6%) and stable performance in Metrology (+1.9%), Cyra (+13.1%), and Special Products (+6.2%). GIS & Mapping sales declined 3.3% as a result of the strengthening Swiss franc, but grew 4.4% on a currency-adjusted basis.
The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) announced the creation of The ISPRS Foundation. Programs are planned in the following categories: awards, awareness education, distance learning, exchange programs, fellowships, grants, international workshops, internships, preservation and archiving, research initiatives, scholarships, standards projects, tools and literature, and travel grants.
Cary and Associates of Longmont, Colorado, is investigating data storage trends in geotechnology via an online survey. Participants will receive a copy of the aggregated data.
CMP Media's Intelligent Enterprise announced the winners of the Sixth Annual Readers' Choice Awards for the best IT products. MapInfo won in the Geospatial Analysis Platforms category. You can put as much stock as you like in Reader's Choice awards.
The Open GIS Consortium Inc. (OGC) recently approved two new compliance tests and a series of tools to encourage software developers to validate software products that implement OpenGIS Specifications. A new website provides automated testing for Web Map Service 1.1.1 (WMS) and Web Feature Service 1.0 (WFS), a Geography Markup Language (GML) validation tool and links to reference implementations. Developers that successfully test for compliance with WMS and WFS specifications and want to claim or indicate compliance of their product in the marketplace must submit their results for validation, and pay a trademark licensing fee. OGC also moved two OpenGIS Web Services specifications through the approval process during a meeting held recently in Spain. The Technical and Planning Committees adopted the Web Coverage Service Specification, which defines how to access gridded geographic data and moved the Web Terrain Service Specification, which details how to render vector and raster data as a 3D view, to Request for Comment status.
The 2003 Biennial Mayors' Asia Pacific Environmental Summit (MAPES) is a forum for mayors and other local government officials in the region to advance protection of their urban environments and to promote sustainable development in their cities. The Summit presented awards to 28 cities that excelled in meeting their past commitments. ESRI will give GIS software and training packages, valued at $50,000, to two of the cities.
Paradigm Advanced Technologies, Inc. filed a voluntary petition for bankruptcy in the state of Delaware under Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The company has ceased all of its business operations. The operations of the Company's wholly owned Canadian subsidiary, PowerLOC Technologies, Inc. will continue to operate as usual with funding expected to be provided by one of its senior secured creditors. The company won awards and appeared to be positioned as a big winner in homeland security.
Laser-Scan announced a partnership with Computer Solutions and Finance Group plc (CSF), an IT solutions provider.
MapInfo announced that it has entered into a strategic alliance with Business Objects, a provider of business intelligence (BI) solutions, to offer enterprise users a comprehensive location-based business intelligence solution. By adding location components to business intelligence software from Business Objects, the integrated solution helps organizations perform expanded analysis of customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and supply chain management (SCM) information. MapInfo will be showcasing the solution at the Business Object user conference this week.
Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions announced Pontis Corporation (Toronto, Canada) will offer database consulting and remote administration services to Intergraph's worldwide base of G/Technology customers.
Mike Renslow, chair of the ASPRS Evaluation for Certification Committee has announced final approval of the new ASPRS certification program for technologists. This certification was instituted to give those working at the technologist level an opportunity to be recognized by ASPRS for their respective contributions.
Navigation Technologies, a provider of digital map data for In-Vehicle, Internet/wireless, government and business solutions, announced the acquisition of its 100th U.S. patent. The 100th patent protects a process that improves vehicle positioning and, ultimately, navigation system users' experience.
The ESRI Press book Mapping Our World: GIS Lessons for Educators was presented with the 2003 Geography Excellence in Media Award from the National Council for Geographic Education at its annual meeting. That should come as no surprise to anyone; it's a great book. I reviewed it earlier this year.

� Contracts and Sales
ESRI announced that HNIT-Baltic GeoInfoServisas (HB-GIS), its distributor for both Lithuania and Latvia, along with HB-GIS's partner as subcontractor ENVIROTECH, were awarded the software contract for development of the GIS-based Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) for the Rural Support Service (RSS) in Latvia.
GDC, a provider of corporate GIS solutions in the UK, announced that the Derbyshire Partnership has selected the company's e-Government offering, GeoPlatform, to provide a geographic infrastructure for e-government. Involving more than 30 organizations, Derbyshire Partnership is one of the largest local government partnerships in the UK.
PlanGraphics, Inc. has been awarded a $2.1 million contract to assist in building an urban management information system for the Liaoning Provincial Government in northeastern China. Liaoning is the most urbanized province in China and a major center of industry.
Applied Digital Solutions, Inc. announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, VeriChip Corporation, has received a purchase order for 400 VeriChips and 34 handheld scanners from its exclusive distributor for Russia and Switzerland. About the size of a grain of rice, VeriChip is a subdermal (goes under your skin), radio frequency identification (RFID) microchip that can be used in a variety of security, financial, emergency identification, and other applications.
Spectrum North Carolina, LLC announced the award of a contract to update approximately 55,000 parcels for Darlington County, South Carolina. Darlington County is located in the Coastal Plain region of South Carolina, encompassing approximately 550 square miles.
IMSI terminated its bid to acquire substantially all of the assets of CADKEY Corporation through an auction sale. Instead, CADKEY was acquired by Kubotek Corporation of Japan when IMSI chose not to increase its initial bid of $2,500,000 based on its evaluation of CADKEY's recent performance and the potential for future litigation.
Rapattoni Corporation, a player in management information software for real estate associations, announced an agreement with GlobeXplorer to provide all Rapattoni Multiple Listing System (MLS) customers with high quality, nationwide aerial photography at no additional charge.
The Swiss Confederation has signed a countrywide site license agreement with ESRI Geoinformatik AG, to promote GIS education throughout its secondary school system, ultimately introducing the technology into more than 200 high schools across the country.

� Products
Undertow Software introduced MapTivate, a hybrid mapping engine for software developers that integrates rendering capabilities and a rules-based paradigm.
Cognio introduced what it claims is the industry's first integrated Wireless LAN (WLAN) location capability based on Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) positioning techniques. TDOA is often used outdoors, but the company is using it indoors.
LeadDog Consulting announced the release of Iraq Streets & Roads to support government, commercial, and non-profit organizational work in Iraq.
Intergraph released a major upgrade to the SMMS (Spatial Metadata Management System) family of spatial data management software products including SMMS-v5.1 which works with any GIS software, GeoMedia SMMS-v5.1 for users of Intergraph's GeoMedia (5.1) GIS products, and GeoConnect-v5.1, a server product for providing a metadata query application on your enterprise's Web page, and serving metadata through the Clearinghouse.
Autodesk released Autodesk Express Viewer 4, the latest of its free, downloadable application for viewing and printing Design Web Format (DWF) drawings created by architects and engineers.
Taylor Technologies announced the new version 4.0.3 of Rapid Integration Toolkit (RIT) software for Autodesk MapGuide.
Locus Technologies, an environmental information management provider, announced that it has expanded its award-winning, Web-based Environmental Information Management system, a part of its LocusFocus Web portal, to include the capability of exporting data directly to the ArcView 8.
3D Nature began shipping its new product Scene Express and NatureView Express in October 2003. Scene Express is an add-on to World Construction Set 6 and Visual Nature Studio 2 that allows users to export their projects for use in many other formats.

� Events
Impacts of GIS and other information technology systems on the most extensive electricity blackout in North American history will be the focus of a webcast seminar on November 18 hosted by the Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA).
Autodesk, Intergraph, Laser-Scan, and MapInfo, along with Oracle, are hosting a webcast November 18 to talk about the interoperability kits for customers looking to build and leverage multi-vendor systems.
The 3rd Annual Government Convention on Emerging Technologies titled "Partnerships for Homeland Security" will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada January 7-9, 2004.
� Hires and Appointments
RMSI announced that Tripti Lochan has been appointed as Associate Vice President-Business Development, USA and is based at the company's Newark office. Tripti is responsible for sales and business development for the Software and GIS lines of the company's business in the North American region.


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