2005 May 5
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Editor's Introduction
In this issue of GIS
Monitor I
report on the GIS websites maintained by the governments of Canadian
provinces and
territories, following up on my recent report on the GIS websites
maintained by
and/or for state governments in the United States.
I also muse on how we choose where to
live and one
the emerging field of geodemographics and summarize the keynote
address at the
recent conference of the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure
Association in
GIS Websites of Canadian Provinces and
In the
March 31 and
April 7 issues of GIS Monitor I reported on the GIS websites
maintained by
and/or for state agencies in the United States. One Canadian reader
and GIS pioneer
can you guess who he is? pointed out that I ought to do
the same for
the GIS websites maintained by and/or for Canadian provinces and
territories. This
week I followed his advice and here's what I found. This is not
intended to be an
exhaustive report and I am sure that I will receive many messages
pointing out
sites that I have missed. I will put them in the same folder in
which I put
messages about U.S. sites I missed and then, in a few weeks, I will
compile and
post a comprehensive directory of U.S. and Canadian sites.
(By the way, in Canada, the abbreviation GIS also refers to
"guaranteed income supplement" an alien concept south of the
The Alberta Geological Survey (AGS), an agency of the Alberta Energy
and Utilities
Board, "provides geoscience information and expertise needed by
industry, and the public for earth-resources stewardship and
development in Alberta."
AGS maintains the
Alberta GIS and Interactive Maps site, which is very rich and
well maintained.
It displays maps of the province's mineral resources; hosts a
conversion tool that converts coordinates between the Alberta
Township System,
Universal Transverse Mercator, and lat/long; describes AGS'
activities and staff;
lists the agency's publications available for sale, some by download
from the site;
provides access to the catalog of the AGS library; and has links to
more than 60
relevant sites.
The site also is a repository of GIS data and interactive geological
maps that
"will let you browse, query, and download GIS data. You can pan and
zoom, click on
features for more information, and follow hyperlinks. Linked
information includes
core photos, thin section photomicrographs, drillhole logs,
printable maps, GIS
files (datasets), and related AGS geology reports and maps." Remote
products are also available for download, mostly in JPG format,
including 250
orthorectified RADARSAT-1 scene images for northern Alberta.
The Alberta Government also maintains the
Sustainable Resource Development website, which hosts historical
wildfire data stored as ArcInfo coverages representing individual
fire years. These
coverages have been exported to interchange format and compressed
into ZIP files by
decade and are available for download. This site also hosts maps of
data regarding
wildfires, such as overnight precipitation and wildfire
British Columbia
The Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management (MSRM) is
responsible for data on
land and resources for the government of British Columbia. One of
the ministry's
main goals is the "effective delivery of integrated, science-based
land, resource
and geographic information." In pursuit of this goal, the ministry
and its
predecessors have used GIS since 1992 and have collected a wealth of
software, and expertise regarding the environment and land
website includes sections on data, standards, software, and
links. The
section contains a
spatial data warehouse that includes a data registry, a land and
resource data
warehouse (in ArcSDE/Oracle) and its metadata, a repository object
browser, an FTP
site of downloadable ARC/INFO spatial data, a forest coverage
attribute database,
and a map image gallery. The site also contains satellite imagery
and road and
watershed atlases accessible only by provincial government
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food, & Fisheries has been working with
many local
governments in undertaking land use inventory projects in their
farming areas. On
website the ministry lists the completed projects and gives
examples of the
maps generated, but does not provide access to the data collected in
inventories nor to the resulting products.
Manitoba Industry, Economic Development and Mines' GIS Map Gallery
interactive maps, in three categories: maps of mineral dispositions
mineral dispositions, assessment and mineral disposition history and
drill hole
locations"), geoscientific maps ("at various scales portraying ...
geophysics, geochronology, and mineral occurrences"), and petroleum
("[portraying] provincial Crown oil and gas rights mineral
ownership, Crown oil and
gas rights dispositions, batteries/associated facilities, wells,
boundaries, and orthophotos showing topography").
Manitoba's Capital Region maintains its own GIS
website an
online mapping utility that enables users who may not be familiar
with GIS to view
and interact with various sets of data collected by the Province of
Manitoba. The
GIS applications within the site include data on the region's
geography and
resources, and current satellite imagery.
New Brunswick
Brunswick, "the provincial government's chief provider of
front-line services to the public," maintains the Land and Property Web
page. It
includes links to geographic data and maps, aerial photos,
aeronautical and
hydrographic charts, thematic and custom maps, and a personal
property registry.
The Geographic Data and Maps section "gives access to freely
available geographic
information of New Brunswick, plus links to other geographic data
and maps sites."
The free downloads include a 1998 digital topographic database and
an orthomap
database. The
former is "a
digital representation of natural and cultural features of New
Brunswick, organized
into 1894 map windows (or files). It is made up of two databases:
the Digital
Terrain Model (DTM) Data Base and the Enhanced Topographic Base
Newfoundland & Labrador
The province's Environment and Conservation agency maintains the
Crown Lands GIS
program. According to
agency, "This program was established in 1998 to develop and
maintain a digital
mapping system that allows for a more efficient process of
retrieving cadastral and
land use information for the effective management and allocation of
the Crown land
resource." However, I was not able to find a website that gives
access to this
The agency also maintains the Air Photo and Map Library. It
"contains the
province's aerial photography and map collection which includes
orthophoto, planimetric, flood risk, and provincial electoral
district mapping." A
link provides ordering and price information for the maps, but no
way to view them
In order to discourage flood-vulnerable development on flood plains,
however, the
province does provide downloadable flood risk public
information maps, in small JPG, large JPG, and PDF
Northwest Territories
The Government of the Northwest Territories' Department of
Municipal and
Community Affairs (MACA) maintains community parcel land
information in the
Administration of the Territorial Land Acts System (ATLAS), which
accurate graphic and written information on each parcel of land
within a
community's boundary." According to MACA, this supports its vision
of "providing
more autonomy and authority to Community Governing Authorities over
the management
of land within their boundaries."
The project's vision statement is to "provide users with accurate
and reliable
maps, and written information on every parcel of land within
community boundaries.
It will be accessible territorial-wide anywhere, anytime and will be
easy to use."
For starters, a pilot project currently provides access to ten
community maps; in
the future, MACA plans to add communities to the ATLAS website as
soon as the land
verification process is complete for each one. The site also
provides a tutorial to
the data sets, the application layout, and the application
The territories' Department of Environment and Natural Resources'
Division, which administers the Northwest Territories Biodiversity
Action Plan,
provides access to a set of current and
maps. The department also produced a very helpful guide to GIS capacities
in the
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia's Department of Natural Resources' GIS
maintains a forest database within its Spatially Related Forest
Resources (SRFR)
information system. According to the department, the SRFR "contains
a wide range of
thematic layers, including comprehensive forest stand descriptions,
information, wildlife habitat information, wetlands information,
natural and
protected areas as well as data collected from the integrated
planning ... process. The data is available on a stand by stand
basis, which can be
rolled up into Regional and Provincial summaries."
The Forest Land Cover layer is available as shapefiles. The data is
available as
self-executing zipfiles which contain the shapefile for the area in
question as
well as a copy of the license agreement and a PDF of the attribute
The department also maintains a Restricted
and Limited
Use Land Database Downloads page, which contains data for such
themes as
wilderness areas, Indian reserve lands, and pipeline corridors, in
three map
projections: MTM ATS77, UTM NAD83, and UTM NAD27.
I was not able to find a relevant website for this territory.
Ontario's provincial government provides extensive online GIS
Land Information Ontario (LIO) maintains a website that includes
links to
Ontario's Land Information Directory (OLID), a searchable index of
Ontario's land
information; the Ontario
Information Warehouse, a web-enabled data browser; and
Ontario Parcel, the authorized digital representation of
Ontario's land
LIO's website also has a link to Make a Topographical Map;
unfortunately, the
server did not respond when I tried using this service.
The province's Ministry of Natural Resources the provincial
lead for land
information has led the establishment of GeoSmart,
a funding
initiative designed to facilitate the implementation and enhancement
of GIS in
Ontario communities. GeoSmart provides funding of up to 50 percent
of a project's
total eligible costs in such business areas as economic development,
land use
planning, asset management, public health and safety, emergency
services, and data
warehousing. The project's website provides guidance to communities
interested in
applying for these funds, but does not actually house any of the
products (yet).
Prince Edward Island
The Government of Prince Edward Island recently passed a GIS
Policy Statement
(this link was dead when I tried it) that resulted in the
creation of
website providing access to GIS data and other geospatial
services and aiming
to "simplify the ability of all levels of government and citizens to
geographical data."
The website provides access to a variety of GIS data, both free and
priced. A GIS
Data Catalog has links to index maps and basemap, community and
social boundaries,
emergency, civic address, electoral, imagery, property, and
transportation data.
The province has recently adopted the PEI Coordinate System as an
official survey
and mapping reference system.
Québec's natural resources department, Ressources naturelles et
provides an atlas of GIS products. To download a
product, you
first select one of 14 regions, then a scale (1:250,000 or 1:50,000
and 1:20,000),
then a map type (there are 24 types, including "diamond drilling,"
geochemistry," and my favorite, "erratic boulder" but not all
of them are
available for all regions and scales), and finally a period (any
month since
January 1996). You can then purchase via the site the map thus
selected. It does
not appear that you can download it.
The department also provides access to general, hydrographic,
mining, geologic, and
other maps via its Maps/Plans Web page.
The Information Services
Corporation (ISC) of Saskatchewan is responsible for the
province's land survey
system and the system of registering ownership of, and interests in,
land. Through
mapping services, geographic information, and a proposed online
title registry, ISC
"will support all individuals and sectors involved in land
transactions and the
management of land-based and infrastructure-based resources."
The Geomatics section of the website has a link to ISC's
Maps and Digital Data Products Online Catalogue. There users can
choose from
among five product types digital cadastral, digital
topographic, digital
general purpose, digital special purpose, and hardcopy and
five product names
rural cadastral datasheet, urban cadastral datasheet, township
dataset, northern theoretic township dataset, and township fabric
point dataset.
For each combination, the site returns metadata and pricing
information; however,
it does not provide a way to download the datasets.
Yukon a
unit of the Client Services division of the Information and
Technology Branch of the Department of Highways and Public Works of
the Government
of Yukon "provides corporate coordination, support, and
liaison for geomatics
activities within the Yukon Goverment and with external partners and
addresses gaps in geomatics activities and data, and provides a
single window
through which customers can access Yukon spatial data and
Geomatics Yukon maintains the
Yukon Spatial Data Clearinghouse, which provides free data for
copyrighted data available to NRCan licenced users; the ability to
view, query, and
print interactive maps; free downloadable maps of the Yukon; and
Yukon metadata.
Geomatics Yukon's FTP
site provides access to Yukon satellite mosaic, enhanced natural
Landsat 7 data with shaded relief composite scenes, orthorectified
Landsat 7
scenes, 90 millimeter digital elevation models, and geology, mining,
forestry, and
fire data.
Geomatics Yukon's Maps Yukon Web
maintained in cooperation with Yukon Geological Survey and Yukon
Energy, Mines, and
Resources features interactive geology, oil and gas, and
mining maps of
Yukon, as well as imagery and metadata.
About ten years ago, I wrote the following paragraph, as the opening
to a study of telecommuting:
"The technology that is changing the way we live and work is
once again
beginning to change where we live and work. It happened at
the dawn of
civilization, when the agricultural revolution first allowed
formerly nomadic
hunters and gatherers to settle, and build cities. It happened when
transport made ports the hub of trade. It happened when the
incipient industrial
revolution drew workers from widely dispersed villages into tightly
packed cities,
vastly expanding existing ones and giving rise to new ones. It
happened when
railroads bridged the gap between frontier settlements and the
established centers
of commerce. It happened when affordable automobiles spawned
suburbia. It is
happening again, now that much of our economy is based on
My point was that, increasingly, people's choice of where to live is
independent of
their choice of jobs. Today I, for example, live in Eugene, Oregon,
because I love
this state's natural beauty, weather, and tradition of political
independence and
innovation but I work for a company based in Frederick,
Maryland, because it
publishes the periodicals that I want to edit. While a variety of
factors, which I
discussed in my study, have impeded the expansion of telecommuting,
this trend
What I envisioned ten years ago was that people would belong,
simultaneously, to
two communities: the virtual, online community of their colleagues
and of others
whose interests they shared and the actual, physical
neighborhood they
inhabited. (I also envisioned a third, hybrid community developing
at neighborhood
telecommuting centers: people working side by side but for entirely
companies, based far apart from each other.)
As it turns out, while "virtual communities" are made ever more
possible by fast
and cheap Internet access, people still choose to cluster in
physical communities
with "people like them or people they'd like to become like,"
according to Jan
Kestle, the president of the Canadian company
Environics Analytics. Kestle was quoted in a fascinating
article that
appeared on
April 29 in the Vancouver Sun, on geodemographics a
form of
segmentation analysis explicitly coupled with a spatial component.
increasingly rely on geodemographics to decide where to place
stores, with what
products to stock them, and how to tailor their advertising to each
geographic community. As the article points out, this is based on
two premises:
that people's buying decisions reflect the values of the social
segment to which
they belong and that people with the same values live
together. Others,
however, such as legendary pollster Daniel Yankelovich, question the
first of these
two premises, thereby making the second one irrelevant to marketing
Mapping and analyzing the spatial distribution of social values,
employment, and
residential choices a perfect task for GIS!
What do you
Global Spatial Data Infrastructure
The Global Spatial Data
Infrastructure (GSDI) Association, in cooperation with the
Federation of Surveyors and the Egyptian Survey Authority, held the
8th GSDI
conference in Cairo, Egypt, April 16-21, on the theme "Spatial Data
in an
Information Society." The conference attracted more than 1,000
registrants from 80
countries. Scientists, engineers, GIS and GPS specialists, land
administrators, and
surveying practitioners participated in 51 technical sessions,
several workshops,
and five plenary sessions, and presented more than 400 papers.
The GSDI Association fosters the development of spatial data
infrastructures that
support sustainable social, economic, and environmental systems
integrated from
local to global scales and promotes the informed and responsible use
of geographic
information and spatial technologies for the benefit of society.
GSDI programs
facilitate exchange of information on infrastructure issues,
standards-based data
access and discovery, applications development, capacity building,
and SDI
development and research.
The GSDI Association elected Professor Harlan Onsrud, of the
University of Maine,
as president and Jarmo Ratia, Director General, National Land Survey
of Finland, as
vice-president. The association also honored the U.S. Federal
Geographic Data
Committee (FGDC), ESRI, and Intergraph for providing it critical
core support in
its formative stages. On hand to receive the honors were Ivan
DeLoatch, Staff
Director, FGDC; Jack Dangermond, President, ESRI; and Preetha
Pulusani, President,
Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions.
At the conference, Mukund Rao, from India, the association's
outgoing president,
reported on the organization's progress during its first year. (The
GSDI Association
was incorporated towards the end of 2003, though it existed earlier
as an
international ad-hoc committee).
The association's principal achievement, according to Rao, was that
institutionalized the process of international GSDI Sponsored
Projects funded by
members and donors. He particularly thanked the U.S. Geological
Survey, ESRI, and
Intergraph as key contributors. The projects are aimed at showcasing
demonstrating how spatial technologies would be of use in different
parts of the
world and help create a critical mass in many nations and
international agencies to
undertake GIS activities.
The second achievement that Rao listed was the development and
hosting of a
website/portal for
information about GSDI, SDI technologies, and applications.
The third achievement was cooperation with other international
particularly the World Summit of Information Societies, the
International GEO
Forum, and the Working Group on Information Systems and Services
(WGISS) of the
International Committee on EO Systems. The GEO Forum is an Earth
observation group
that is working to bring about an international Global Earth
Observation System of
Systems (GEOSS) especially in the areas of disaster mitigation
environmental monitoring. GEO's 10-year plan mentions GSDI
explicitely. Rao told
the audience that WGISS, in which he has participated, has set up an
observation portal, an EO global datasets archive, an international
data network, a
WGISS Search Protocol, and many other tools of use to GSDI
Internally, the association has established a Technical Working
Group, a Legal and
Economic Working Group, a Communications Committee (to handle
outreach), a
Membership Committee, a Conference Planning Committee, a GSDI
Sponsored Projects
Committee, and an Industry Advisory Council. These committees are
expected to soon
produce technical documents to be published by GSDI. "So, hopefully,
in the next
one year," Rao said, "you will see a lot of documentation coming out
of GSDI."
Additionally, the association has been publishing an electronic GSDI
newsletter and
regional SDI newsletters for Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and Latin
America and the
Caribbean and the GSDI Cookbook has been translated into Spanish.
growth, on the other hand, has been slow compared to
Planning continues for the GSDI conferences which help the
recruit new members, focus on global, regional, and local SDI
issues, and raise
funds. The next conference, GSDI-9, will be held in Santiago,
A draft GSDI Strategy and Action Plan is in the works, Rao reported,
but the
association has been "stumbling" with regards to setting up an
International GSDI
Secretariat, which India has offered to host in Bangalore.
The association has hired a professional business director, Allan
Doyle, who has
been handling all administrative, financial, and legal
Looking forward, Rao identified membership growth as the
association's top
priority. Currently it has about 30 institutional members and
another 20 or 30
individual members, he said. (Frankly, I expected the association to
have at least
ten times as many individual members.) Another priority is making
the association
as financially independent and self-sustaining as possible.
The association, Rao said, needs good publications especially
ones offering a
global perspective and case studies and regional and local
workshops and
meetings. Another very important requirement, he added, is training
and education
in the field of SDI and he challenged universities to step up to the
plate. He also
suggested linking with UN agencies.
Finally, Rao boldly proclaimed that he would like to see the GSDI
become the most influential international body in the "spatial"
arena with regards
to technology, applications, and policies and stressed the need to
make the
association "as inclusive as possible."
Department of Corrections
In the April 21 issue I wrote up DataXchanger, produced by
Solutions, but forgot to hotlink the company's name to its
website. I regret the
News Briefs
Please note: I have culled the following news
items from press releases and have not independently verified
Geomatics' Geomatica
software and training services are helping the Multinational Andean Project:
Geoscience for Andean Communities (MAP:GAC) with disaster
planning and
prediction. The MAP:GAC project was established to provide people in
the Andes with
updated and integrated geospatial information on natural hazards
like earthquakes,
landslides, and volcanoes. Geomatica software will be an integral
part of this
process. PCI Geomatics is a developer of image-centric geomatics
solutions. Training services provided by PCI Geomatics include
automatic DEM
extraction, terrain analysis, pansharpening, and orthorectification
of air photos
and satellite data including ASTER, QuickBird, and EROS.
Training also allows
users to monitor and analyze a larger area of land than would
otherwise be possible
with ground surveys.
OneGIS, Inc. has
GeoSolutions, LLC
to provide marketing communications services and business
development assistance to
aid in its growth in the utility and government GIS services market.
Mr. Bud Porter,
a GIS industry veteran and principal at Utility GeoSolutions, will
provide ongoing
business development, marketing assistance, and marketing
communications services
directly to OneGIS as well as GIS business process and needs
services to OneGIS customers on a subcontract basis.
OneGIS, Inc. is a consulting and
outsourcing firm
specializing in the development of turnkey GIS solutions for the
electric, gas,
water, wastewater, storm water, and municipal government markets. It
focuses its
development, customization, and implementation efforts solely on
applications. Utility GeoSolutions, LLC is a GIS consulting firm
specializing in
infrastructure and facilities management solutions for utilities,
companies, and government entities. It offers management consulting,
assessment, business case development, business process analysis,
and project
management to this market as well as marketing consulting and
business development
assistance to GIS vendor firms.
The Colorado Chapter of the American
Public Works Association has honored the City of Golden,
Colorado with the
Public Works Project Award for its public works asset management
system. In 1999
the city implemented
CartêGraph software in an effort to better understand the
condition and
location of its infrastructure. The software allows the city to
track field assets,
along with determining what work has been completed and future work
to be
Using GPS receivers, the city has
tracked the
location of such assets as fire hydrants, water valves, water
meters, sanitary and
storm manholes, storm inlets and outfall, detention ponds, and
street signs. It has
set up maintenance schedules to ensure the assets are functioning
properly and the
database information can be viewed graphically on a map in
conjunction with ESRI's
The city is also implementing a
citywide project of
videotaping all of its sanitary sewer lines.
In February the City of University
Park, Texas
(pop. 23,324), a suburb of Dallas, went live with an enterprise work
system from CartêGraph. Using the software, each week city
staff take all
requests made to the city's website and develop a report for the
City Council. All
requests made on the website are on the agenda at the weekly meeting
and available
to the citizens in the council minutes. The CartêGraph software
has also been
customized to track activity in other city departments.
Networks, in
collaboration with ESRI Canada
and Sombra
Labs, has
developed a system that will assess the vulnerability of information
(IT) infrastructure to physical threats such as earthquakes,
severe weather, or
terrorist attacks.
The system, developed as part of a
commissioned by Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada,
supports the
monitoring and visualization of IT networks within a GIS and is
capable of showing
how threats to a geographic area will impact IT infrastructure. It
enables users to
perform line of site analysis for wireless network components,
vulnerability analysis, forecasting threats to networks, and
assessing topological
relations between network components and other features (e.g.
routers and
buildings, fiber optics and electrical grids). The project was
demonstrated using
IT infrastructure at Carleton University as well as the CANARIE
ESRI has launched
Server, a
solution for collecting and sending near real-time data from many
data sources and
formats to Web and desktop clients. Tracking Server was developed by
Grumman to enable the integration of real-time data with GIS.
Tracking Server offers an extensible
that allows it to receive data from new sources and transmit that
data to new
clients; the ability to log data as it is received to ArcSDE or
distribute it
directly to clients including ArcGIS Tracking Analyst; and a
tracking message
server component and a tracking Web distribution component that work
together to
collect and distribute data to the people who use it on the Web and
as desktop
Tracking Server has already been
implemented by ESRI
business partner CompassCom, a provider of solutions for GIS field
data collection
and automated vehicle location. Other uses include real-time
tracking of assets
through the supply chain life cycle. Tracking Server is an
technology that is integrated with ESRI's other server and services
Health professionals from around the world will gather in Chicago,
October 23-26, at the 2005 ESRI
Health GIS Conference to discuss the role GIS technology plays
in health and
human services. Speakers from the fields of public health practice,
health care
delivery and financing, academic health sciences, and health-related
will examine how they are using GIS to improve health and the way it
is delivered,
financed, and evaluated.
Conference highlights will include
discussions on the
emerging field of clinical surveillance as well as tracking
infectious diseases,
identifying gaps in childhood immunizations, conducting market
studies and
documenting the health care needs of a community, managing
logistics, publishing
geographic health care information on the Internet, and managing
patient care
environments and clinical resources in widely distributed hospitals
and health care
ESRI Canada
is increasing
its presence in Atlantic Canada with the opening of a Fredericton
Established in 1984, ESRI Canada is a Canadian-owned company
specializing in GIS
solutions and services. The company is the official distributor of
solutions and also distributes software solutions from NovaLIS
Technologies, Miner
and Miner, Telcordia, and Azteca. With the opening of the
Fredericton office, ESRI
Canada now has twelve regional offices across the country.

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