- Cartographic
Communication - from the Geographers Craft, University of Texas, Austin, see
especially chapter 7:� Problems of Realizing Ideals with Computer Systems
- Making
a good map - pointers from US EPA, highlights basic concepts
- Cautions
- from Chapter 4:
Mapping Crime and Geographic Information Systems, Mapping
Crime: Principle and Practice, by Keith Harries, Ph.D., December 1999,
cautions about scale, symbology, color, data source
- Dressing
Up Maps - Steve
Wallace, Directions Magazine
- Cartography, Communication,
and Spatial Data Visualisation - a bit different spin
on the Geographers craft, from Brett Bryan, University of Adelaide, Australia
- Visualizing
Uncertain Information - Alan M. MacEachren, Department of Geography, Penn
State University
- suggest link
- suggest link
- suggest link
- suggest link