- OGIS FAQ - on the Open GIS
Consortium's very large
site, this is the place to start
- Webmapping Testbed - information on
and examples of the OGC Web Mapping Testbeds
- The Open GIS
Approach to Distributed Geodata and Geoprocessing - article by Kenn Gardels
outlining the vision of OGC
- Laser-Scan and the
Open GIS Consortium (OGC) - a straightforward discussion from a UK member
company of why they are involved
consortium provides glimpse of the future of mapping -� Dan
Caterinicchia, CNN.com, Sept 1999
- The
Elusive Compatibility of Data - R.H. Jannini IV, Directions Magazine,
contrasts data format interoperability and looks at where OGIS may� help
- The
OpenGIS Catalog Specification Explained - Barend Gehrels, GeoInformatics, Apr/May 2000
- Standards,
Specifications, and the GeoSpatial Industry�
- Carl Reed, EOM, June 2000
- Going
Global - OpenGIS and government, Bill McGarigle,
Government Technology, July 2000
- Stand
up for Standards - Louis Hecht, GeoEurope, Sep 2000
- Erasing
Map Sharing Boarders - Bill McGarigle, Government Technology, Sept 2000
News - monthly updates on OGC status
- wms-dev
- Web Map Server Developers/Implementors, technical list for those
implementing OGC's WMS, hosted by International Interfaces
2.0 Enabling the Geospatial Web - the latest on
XML flavor for geography, Ron Lake, Geospatial
Solutions, July 2001
GML 2.0 - Mark Reichardt, GeoInformatics, July 2001
the Digital National Framework in GML - why the OS picked the OGC's GML for distribution,
David Holland, GeoEurope, Aug 2001
Lays Framework for Geospatial Web Services - Louis Hecht Jr., GeoWorld, Oct 2001
Lays the Foundation for the Geospatial Web - Ron Lake, GeoWorld, Oct 2001
- Speaking
a global map language - Geography Markup Language would enable agencies to
better exchange map data, Brian Robinson, Federal
Computer Week, Dec. 3, 2001